Enforcer Profession in Nascindor | World Anvil


The S'aue, being the ruthless and shrewd businessmen and women they are, value asset retention above most things. Profits made should become profits kept and multiplied. Thus, being someone that can ensure that the investments of clients are safe and stay productive is a lucrative business in the S'aue Empire. The individuals in this trade are referred to as enforcers.


Outlining a concrete set of duties for an enforcer is nigh impossible, as they are paid to do whatever their patron expects of them, but most often this includes intimidation, extortion, vandalism and sabotage of rival businesses, racketeering, hostile takeovers and bribery, to name just a few.
  Most often enforcers are hired for a single job and then let go, but if one was to prove themselves resourceful and capable, longer-term employment is not inconceivable. Due to this almost freelance nature of their work, there are only very few agencies that organize and rent out the services of enforcers. One such agency is a direct subsidiary of the Iron Cartel.


When you are in the business of intimidation and sometimes hurting people, it pays to be intimidating and strong. To this end, many enforcers prefer larger and taller chassis', with faceplates that either resemble human faces or are designed to be unnerving, the former because many of the clients that hire enforcers are investors in human run businesses.
  While this is technically illegal within the S'aue Empire, as one's chassis that one is constructed into is considered sacred and should not be tampered with, the employers of enforcers are often S'aue of such elevated social standing that they can pull the right strings to make the authorities turn a blind eye.
  Because of this, the career of an enforcer is especially attractive to those who are Deficient, as it can allow those unfortunates to bounce back somewhat, even if it is in service of those who perpetuate their oppression.

Legal issues

On paper, it is of course illegal to extort or intimidate anyone within the borders of the S'aue Empire. However, there are several legal loopholes that S'aue entrepreneurs take advantage of, the main of these being a constitutional clause that states that if one's business or livelihood is being threatened, one is allowed to protect their interests up to and including violence.
  This gives anyone free reign to claim that a rival business is, in fact, threatening their own enterprise simply by competing in the same business and are thus allowed to protect their assets via the employment of enforcers. This glaring flaw in the legal system has been heavily criticized by several members of the Board of Directors, especially the current mayor of Onset-1, Flickstitch Mnemone.
  However, the majority of the board see no issue with the law, claiming that fiercer competition fosters better businesses and business practices. It is quite likely that many members of the board have enforcers of their own on their payroll.

Outside the Empire

The dealings of the S'aue are not contained solely within the borders of their own empire but are rather dispersed all over Nascindor, in the human city-states and even the burrow-homes of the arachnitha. These businesses need to be regulated just like those within the borders of the empire do, but as they operate on foreign soil, all business must be conducted according to local laws.
  This means that enforcers are employed much more rarely for such jobs and when they are, they are more in the role of an advisor and overseer that reports back to their employer rather than breaking property or people to make their point. These "dignitaries" are often respected by their host organization as they are seen as a sign that the investors consider their business valuable enough to secure in such a way.
Mr. Sprocket has been more than generous with his investments into your enterprise, so he has sent me to evaluate your business practices and, if need be, encourage you to adjust them.
  Are we clear?
– An enforcer introducing himself to the owner of a steel mill in Onset-1
Alternative Names
Strongarm, Thug
by Midjourney
An enforcer wearing a typical outfit for those in the business

Cover image: by Midjourney


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