Investigator Sellix Character in Namarie | World Anvil
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Investigator Sellix

I want a story found and it want it to be thorough! That is why you are staying behind the desk and Sellix is going out there because SHE can get it done.
  Investigator Sellix is a Wood Elf journalist who works for The Platinum Herald. She notably served with Editor Clydie Bristow in The Varne Academy as a scout and spy and, when Bristow left he decided to bring Sellix with them for her stealth and skill with insight. Sellix has proven to be a very skilled investigative reporter known for her intelligent questioning and ability to find a scandal and story. She is a good looking elf who generally dresses in roguish gear for her investigating and carries a change of more professional clothing when she is interviewing individuals that interest her. Most recently she revealed the scandal of Emerald Quick-Wick and his agoraphobia whilst running Bloomwilt, she is still working in Bloomwilt to uncover more about the towns running and The Drifters influence.
Upon meeting The Kaechaek Party Sellix had been passionately arguing with Saria Sensua as she was accused of recording what Saria was saying during a conversation between them. However, the party agreed to help Sellix sneak aboard Saria's ship alongside them and, in return, Sellix gave the party some advice on what she thought of the murder of Artur Coric and how Xauna was implicated as she was suspicious of Emerald Quick-Wick and did not believe it was as simple as others claim.
Current Status
Working in the Bloomwilt area still
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Current Residence
The Midden Tick in Bloomwilt
Dark blue
Short hair often kept beneath hats and hoods
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned skin
Follower of Tyr
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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