Border Ethereal Geographic Location in Nailara | World Anvil

Border Ethereal

The Border Ethereal is the vast, infinite space that lays between all other planes. It is a distorted mirror of reality, appearing as shards of a billion different locations across a million different planes, and the gateway to what lies beyond. When mortal souls separate from their bodies they are slowly drawn to the Border Ethereal, and onward to their final cosmic fate.


The geography of the border ethereal manifests as a warped replication of locations across other planes, each stitched together seemingly at random. A doorway out of a sleepy inn may lead to the center of a volcano fortress on a plane of fire, or vast plains of wheat. These shards of reality shift and mutate, leaving the landscape perpetually unknowable.   Though two locations may be steps apart on the material plane, there is no guarantee of finding the other on the ethereal plane. It is unknowably large, and incredibly detailed.

Fauna & Flora

There are no creatures native to the border ethereal. Nothing grows in the mist, and living long term in the ethereal plane is impossible without the aid of magic - or simply not requiring sustenance. The only signs of life are ghostly reflections of creatures on other planes, showing a dream-like versions of occurrences across time and space.
Alternative Name(s)
Ethereal Plane
Dimensional plane
Location under