Session 1: Eaves of Mirkwood Report Report in MyMiddle_Earth | World Anvil

Session 1: Eaves of Mirkwood Report

General Summary

The party formed up in Woodman-town, and proceeded to journey towards Dale.   In Woodman-town they met Heva an elderly guide who gave them free advice on what route to take. They also met a mysterious Human that they attempted to talk to, he was friendly, but not forthcoming on his past or identity.   The party proceeded towards Dale. It was a long dark journey with much rain that darkened their souls and caused them to become weary on the road. Even the glories of the Sun setting through the passes above Khazad-Dum only darkened their hearts. A rough crossing of a fast flowing stream flowing out of MIRKWOOD to ANDUIN caused them great difficulty, they were only saved by the actions of RUSCION their erstwhile guide. His elvish wisdom allowed him to save the party from ruin.   Then as they finally found a decent dry camp for one of the few nights on the road, their peace was interrupted by a horn blowing nearby. Moving quickly through the woods the party found a group of Three Dwarves facing an overwhelming force of Orcs. So they joined these other free peoples, and entered the fray. The fight was quick, and left nary an Orc standing.   Greeting their new friends: SNORRI, THE SMITH , BORRI, THE WHITTLER , and HAR, THE STONE MASON , they were invited to join them in a meal of fresh roast pork. Soon the fire was blazing, and beer was being consumed. The good company and pleasant stay allowed them to loose their weariness and heal.   The good feelings were short lived as they were awakened by Woodmen who took them captive for stealing their pig. The last watch had succumbed to the soothing sleepiness of the beer, and so the adversaries approached unobserved. The party wisely chose to go with and talk to these fair folks.   They found themselves in the small village of Rowanhold in the woods on the feet of the Grey Mountains. There they met Gailavira, the head of the village. She sharply rebuked the party, and their pleas of ignorance were not helping matters. Finally their offers to pay damages, and even hunt down the Warg were softening her, but then the Wargs were upon them.   The party quickly took up their arms against these foul beasts. GREYMUZZLE HOB was a truly huge and monstrous beast, but the party fought bravely and were able to take him down and finish off the other wargs with him. Leaving with lighter hearts and the blessing of Gailavira the party moved on towards Dale.   The next day as they closed in on Dale they crossed paths with an elderly man dressed all in grey who took time to speak with them and smoke a bowl. Happy with their tale the stranger commended them, and wished them well. That night they slept in a good inn in Dale.

Rewards Granted

315 xp

Character(s) interacted with

Heva: Spoke to at length and took guidance from. Green Bob: Questioned, but got no info and left a bit of annoyance in him. Snorri, Bori, and Har: Helped out of a fight, and stood with in Rowanhold. These would count as friends. Gailavira: In the end fair actions left a fair impression, they can call her a friend as well as the rest of Rownhold.


Good first session party got together and completed this short pointed journey to learn the system and world.
Mirky Beginnings
Report Date
09 Sep 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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