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Migration (/ʎʔeʂto/)


Migration is known as one of the Snow Pups with an explicit job (alongside Fire and Hunter Migration's other fellows tend toward being personifications and going wherever their whims take them. Migration's main role is guiding the Stenza through their yearly routes to their winter destinations, and as thanks Stenza offer them a beverage named in their honor and then celebrate.   The switch from traveling south to traveling offworld in specially designed Clan Ships seems to have impacted this role very little, although Migration rarely puts in an appearance on star craft. People who still practice Migration the old way see them much more frequently. (There is one interesting exception: like their father the Snow Warrior, there exists precisely one clip of a pup in the cockpit of a clan ship, surrounded by adult technicians who appear not to notice them while they mess about with some of the controls. The story around the clip goes that no one was aware of the pup until the clip was reviewed and investigated.)

Divine Domains

Migration is the chief guide of the Stenza on their traditional Migration routes, and the pup guise may have been a result of the adventuresome nature this role requires. They are held to have an extensive knowledge of the terrain (some tales going as far as to say Migration knows every inch of land on Mudewei) and respond to even the most minute of changes. Their knowledge of the environment also allows Migration to lead people astray, which is usually considered a sign of disfavor.   They also favor the clans of the Low Pass Stenza, particularly 'Elokh, to the point of being noticeably distressed or perturbed upon the clan's sudden near eradication. (As a corollary: many Low Pass Litanies of Creation specifically credit Migration as guiding the Stenza's earliest biological ancestors out of the Ice Flats. For as long as Stenza have been migrating across the northern regions of Mudewei, it's possible they are the oldest of the Snow Pups.)
Divine Classification
nature spirit


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Nov 14, 2020 20:40 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ohh it's really cool how Migration counts as a nature spirit in Mudewei. I like it! :D

Nov 14, 2020 23:11

Migration being a fact of life, it probably tracks.