Midwinter Lore Tradition / Ritual in Mudewei | World Anvil
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Midwinter Lore


Due to the fact that the annual Migration cycle brings Stenza far from their traditional homes and into the dangerous wilderness, lore about this time is both exceptionally common and exceptionally old. Much of it is thought to date back to the earliest iterations of Jeshra and his related folklore and practices, and when that complex developed into the lore surrounding the Snow Warrior and Snow Pups, the pups Migration and Hunter picked up most, if not all, of the associated customs.


Never forget your libations to Migration and Hunter. Migration's Toast is preferred, followed by 'Alashaia Hot Cider.   The vessel of the offering, a bone cup carved earlier in the year for this purpose, is to be left at the edge of the fire by the bravest of revelers present. If the heat of the fire cracks or shatters the cup, this is considered a sign of the presence of the Snow Pups, particularly Fire and Migration.   Remember that you are likely to encounter Migration, Hunter, and their siblings along the journey and at your destination, and act accordingly. If unsure, ask a member of a Greater Pass clan to assist you.   Do not attempt to return to the Ice Flats region for any reason. The Snow Warrior has already moved in, and it would be unsafe to return early.   Keep talking, and stay close to camp. After all, you are in unfamiliar territory, and storytelling is your friend.   Keep track of the pups in your party, and share this work with other adults and adolescents. Extra pups are alright, but a shortage could be a problem.   Understand what the Sandibari know of their forests, and respect it. (Especially when it comes to The Symmetrical Tree.)
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