Holy Zygallic Church Organization in Morado | World Anvil
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Holy Zygallic Church

Also called the Church of the Divine Four - Or the Holy Church.   A church devoted to the teachings of the Quartet Divine. These people dedicate their lives in service of their respective deity. Though separate in devotion, each member of the church works together to benefit the whole.   The Church is named after the term Syzygy, which refers to the roughly straight-line configuration of three or more celestial bodies in a gravitational system.


The church has a structure based on one’s standing with the church and their deities. From the High Priest/Priestess to the lowest scribe, everyone’s place is clearly defined.
  • The High Priest/Priestess: the holiest, most revered individual in the church. Is chosen by both the Emperor and the other archbishops to lead the church and all it’s doings. Sits on the Imperial Council.
  • Cardinals:
  • Archbishops:
  • Bishops:
  • Priests:
  • Acolytes:
  • Non-Denoms and Church Aids:

Public Agenda

Promote the teachings of the Divine Four.


Founded initially

Mythology & Lore

The cultural mythology of this organization goes as far back as the founding of the world. However the actual church’s founding comes from the communion of four people who found their cause to be stronger united than separate.   Legend has it that when Iselle D’Autombre, Alaric Ron Zhen, Feodor the Wise, and Jayshra Maho’Doa met for the first time it was on an equinox of all observable celestial bodies. On that day the four of them hashed out the similarities of their cause and united against the Keepers Arcane. Together they were stronger than any unit separated. Their unified forces formed a hierarchy where they helped facilitate the late war efforts against the Keepers Arcane.   Afterward, when the 20 Orders were created, many chose not to be warriors but found developing Verousian Architecture to be the most important. Iselle D’Autombre, Feodor the Wise, and Jayshra Maho’Doa created the Zygallic church while Alaric Ron Zhen could focus on founding the empire proper.

Divine Origins

Though the deities they worship are Primeval, the church itself was founded by the Divine Four heroes. They believed that with a church watching over the people's will, they can encourage a better society, one that won't fall prey to evils like that of the Keeper's Arcane.   Each of the Divine Four Heroes were chosen by their respective deities to proselytize their teachings, and as such the Divine Four Heroes are considered each denomination's Messiah. Their philosophies (collected in their respective holy texts colloquially known as Wisdoms) are considered holy, and are often interpreted by members of their respective faiths.

Cosmological Views

It is believed that Verous was created by the Divine Quartet, but in the sundering of the Tapestry, the people lost their connection to the gods.   In spite of this the four gods are always watching over the people. They exist separate but in harmony with one another. Together they ensure the souls of the people are well defended, and that they are given something with which to aspire so they never stop growing.   Improvement is the sincerest form of worship.   When one passes on, they are taken in by the Divine Quartet Deity that most closely resembles how they live their life. However, if they live a wicked life, they are cast from the care of the Divine Quartet and become lost.

Tenets of Faith

The Mother Sun - Sey’Ellosa

  Divine Profiles: Sun, Light, Life, Sky, Weather, Harvest   Major Creed: The Zefirum Ral Laudum, a treastise on Alaric Ron Zhen's life, and his teachings on how one can live a virtuous life. Written in chapters that are a summary of his teachings, musings, discussions, and arguments.   Messiah: Alaric Ron Zhen - The Verdant King (Paladin)   About: the most rigid of the four, followers of the Mother Sun devote the entirety of their lives adhering to the Book written down by the Messiah Alaric Von Zhem. Their beliefs tend to be steadfast and rigid, though the nature of their teachings encourage personal gain to be a necessary sacrifice for the greater good. Most of this faith choose to be clerics or paladin devoted in the service of the Bright Queen. It is the most readily widespread but tends to be unwilling to flex their ideals.    

The Father Moon - Val’Lunus

  Divine Profiles: Moon, Shadow, Death, Stars, Nature, Beasts   Major Creed: The Sey Songs of the Argent Sea   Messiah: Iselle of Autaumbré - The Cerulean Oracle (Bard)   About: Founded by the Speakers of Autaumbré, this originally oratory only religion is in perfect devotion to the Lunar King. This religion embraces death as a natural avenue of life, loathes undead, and sees nature as one of the most true and vibrant expressions of life. Tends to be superstitious and accepting of the bunch, with a wide variety of stories and dramas to share. Dreams and sleep are important in this society, as it is the Father’s goal to ensure all are rested in the night. Heavy connections to the Feywild and Shadowfell as well.  

The Dusk Mage - Arc’Majae

  Divine Profiles: Elements, Magic, Study, Knowledge, Secrets   Major Creed: Ars Arcanum - A massive collection of philosophy and magic as understood by the Vermillion Sage. The books are segmented into 20 sections, the magical studies and scientific portions being added to while the philosophical and musing portions are kept intact and untouched to preserve the Sage's philosophy.   Messiah: Exalt Prime Jayshra Maho’Doa - The Vermillion Mage (Wizard)   About: Those who follow the Dusk Mage’s teachings are often seekers of knowledge and secrets. The Dusk Mage, a being of pure knowledge and order, espouses the good in study and science while also encouraging the spread of knowledge and order. Those who value the Dusk Mage’s name tend to be scholars, scientists, teachers, and lawyers, all of whom make it their task to bring order and civilization to the wild concepts of things like magic and secrecy. Often considered esoteric, pedantic, unusual, or stubborn by other religions due to the sheer breadth of knowledge gap.    

The Dawn Warrior - Gol’Dora

  Divine Profiles: Forge, Soul, Invention, Sport, Truth   Major Creed: Tenants of Devotion - A series of thought exercises, rules for life, and techniques to pass on trades and skills one needs to succeed in life. Often reads like an encyclopedia and is constantly added to as knowledge and skills grow.    Messiah: Feodor the Wise - The Amber Champion (Rogue)   About: the Dawn Warrior is a deity built around personal growth and creed. Followers of the Dawn Warrior have no complex creed or duty to anyone but their own growth. To a Dawn Warrior believer, it falls upon the self to determine what is right and just, and to improve oneself to be the best of that ideal. Many soldiers, craftsmen, artists, and merchants follow the Tenants of Devotion.


All four sects believe and preach the following:  
  • The Verousian Realm was created by the Divine Quartet
  • The Divine Quartet provided mortals with The Tapestry, and Champions to guide them.
  • Mortals fell victim to hubris and lost their way, giving rise to the Keepers Arcane.
  • The Four Champions were chosen by the Divine Quartet to reestablish order and peace.
  • No one philosophy between the four is inherently superior to the others. The Divine Quartet encourage one to find the faith that fits them best. To argue otherwise is blasphemy.
  • The Heavenly Wellspring gave life to the Twilight Offspring, but the four gods are considered equal in the Pantheon. To argue any other gods were born from the Heavenly Wellspring is considered blasphemy.
  • A soul is something each mortal being has. It is what gives sapience, sentience, and growth.
  • The Divine Quartet creates souls and watches over the world.
  • When one dies, they are taken in by the White Reaper. Their soul is then judged by the tenants they adhered to most. If one is deemed good, they return to their deity to reside in eternal life in Heofon. If one is deemed a wicked soul, they are cast into oblivion to live with the weight of their sins. If a soul is neither good nor bad they are returned to life to try again anew.
  • To be born with Divine Magic means that person's soul has been blessed by the Divine Quartet. As such they have a duty to realize their potential and are to serve others with their power.
  Beyond these, ones' faith or practice thereof is based on their denomination and culture.


Daily Practice

Each day a religious member must pay homage to their respective deity.  
  • For the Mother Sun, this includes grooming one's self, spending at least a half hour in prayer, eating breakfast, and beseeching the Mother for guidance with each new day. At noon one is expected to say a prayer or take time to reflect on one of the Mother's teachings they've encountered that day, and how to use the remainder of the day to resolve a problem or live a truth.
  • For the Dusk Mage, this means ensuring one is always presenting one's self in an organized and orderly fashion. One must willingly seek new opportunities to learn and, come dusk, reflect on how that new information has shaped their understanding.
  • For the Father Moon, this means come nightfall they are to end the day reflecting on a piece of culture or nature they've come to identify with. Prayer is done usually in a garden or a field with the moon light showing. The ending day one must make peace with any uncertainties and help calm the woes down of others if needed. If one has learned a new piece of knowledge or study, they should write it down in a journal of their own making.
  • For the Dawn Warrior, this means one must wake either with or before the dawn. One must Invoke the Dawn Warrior's name ask they complete their morning chores/tasks/trainings, and review and difficulties they faced in the previous day. Each dawn is a new opportunity and those who follow the tenants of devotion often take one passage they feel will matter most in the day and internalize it through their daily dealings.


  Mother Sun
  • Seysday Prayer and Sermons are attended at Noon. 
  • An altar to the Bright Queen is usually placed and maintained beside a garden, a crop plot, or any sort of place where food is cultivated. Flowers are often placed by the altar. If one is generous they can leave food for any passers by to eat.
  • Any trinkets or symbols of the Mother are to worn outwardly and proudly. Necklaces and bracelets are common.
  • Being outside is considered a good thing, and outdoor play is considered ideal for young children raised with the Mother's teachings in mind. 
  • Flower tea is a common choice among Mother Sun followers.
  • Common gifts to a Mother Sun follower tends to include something hand made, something personal that can be shared between the recipient and gifter, or flowers.
  Father Moon
  • Valsday Prayer and sermons are attended to at night, once the moon is out in full. They can be done at home or in private for those on a pilgrimage or travelling. 
  • Pets of Father Moon followers tend to have collars made from vines.
  • Gifts given by followers of the Father Moon are often done in secret without the recipient's knowledge. If the recipient does know it is considered a better idea to simply not be present when the recipient receives their gift.
  • Storytelling is a major part of the Father Moon believers mindset. As such it is also encouraged to live a life full of stories.
  • Every devotee of the Father moon is encouraged to plant a tree at least once in their life. At the onset of planting, a Father Moon cleric or priest will come and bless said tree.
  • More people who are Father Moon believers have pets than any other denomination.
  • Common Father Moon gifts include performing songs or reciting works for someone, rare plants, or gifts of edible plants and fruit. 
  Dusk Mage
  • Arsday Prayers and sermons are done at Dusk, or Late Afternoon. Usually during these sermons a Priest or Bishop reads from a Chapter in the Ars Arcanum while the congregation reflects on how it applies to their lives.
  • Dusk Mage acolytes and Dawn Warrior acolytes often work together due to the similarities in their crafts. It is common that if a Dusk Mage church is within the city, so too is a Dawn Warrior church.
  • Believers of the Dusk Mage often learn Aurumo as a second language, as many of the rules and studies are taught in the Vermillion Sage's native tongue.
  • Dusk Mage culture is extremely intolerant of perceived clutter or untidyness. As such many followers of the Dusk Mage tend to groom and overgroom themselves and their work space.
  • Children raised in the Dusk Mage denomination tend to be encouraged to read and are often challenged at young ages with logic problems they must solve. 
  • Puzzles, Pens, and Books are a common gift for Dusk Mage believers.
  • Many followers of the Dusk Mage tend to wear hair decorations such as tiaras, headbands, hair ties, and other such things. No one really knows why.
  Dawn Warrior
  • Goldsday Prayers and Sermons are done at early morning or Dawn. A priest often leads the congregation by showcasing something they are making or working. During these days the Priests will often allow the Church's forges/workshops/etc to be open for public use.
  • Dawn Warrior children tend to be encouraged to compete or challenge themselves, the belief that healthy competition is vital for a proactive person in life.
  • The Dawn Warrior is the most widely practiced denomination of the Four. This is usually attributed to the applicability/informality of the faith's teachings.
  • The Feodiad is one of the most widely celebrated holidays in the Empire, so much so that the Colonies even hold their own version of it town to town.
  • A devout believer of the Dawn Warrior tends to have a silvered object in their workspace.
  • Common gifts to Dawn Warrior believers are practical. It is not an insult to give them something plain if it means it is useful. However something ornate but impractical is often considered wasteful.


Any who show capacity for magic are chosen and accepted into the Holy Syzigic Church. Many are taken in at a young age and are given a great deal of care and tending to cultivate their magical aptitude. After completing their first catechism (after age 5), those chosen are given the choice to either stay with the church, or ‘return to the flock,’ or leave for a different path. Those who are found to have minimal or no magical aptitude are often let go.   Should one show magical aptitude later in life they are welcome to demonstrate but are also expected to complete their first catechism.    


  First Catechism: The Induction is a simple process of devoting onesself to a priesthood that best matches them. To this end many are guided to a particular role (sorcerers are usually expected to go to Dusk Mage, druids tend to get pushed to Father Moon, etc.) but in the end the choice is theirs. Once the choice is set, the Acolyte is taken to a monastery or church nearby to learn.   Between 1st and 2nd Catechisms the Acolyte may choose to move to a different Denomination should they find they are no longer a good fit. To change they must have the approval of at least 1 member of the clergy who has completed the 4th catechism.   Second Catechism The Devotion. This is where the Acolyte speaks an oath and dedicates themselves truly to becoming a fully realized member of the cloth. To take on this role one must also be willing/able to show aptitude in magical channeling.   Between 2nd and 3rd Catechism the Acolyte will often spend most of their days in study or rigorous schooling.   Third Catechism - The Denial The Acolyte who wishes to become a teacher, messenger, or advocate must complete the third catechism. Here they take a vow to abstain from a specific form of pleasure, and in its place devote themselves to study. Some choose things such as sweet foods or romantic love, but it must be approved by at least four members of the cloth who have completed the Fourth Catechism. This way they know what the person is choosing something to abstain from that truly matters and will be a difficult choice.   Between the 3rd and 4th Catechism an Acolyte becomes a Priest and is allowed to hold sermon, practice magic, share wisdom, and travel between monasteries. This, however, does not mean they are allowed to run a church, and are forbidden from speaking during Conveyances with other members of the cloth 4th Catechism or higher.   Fourth Catechism - The Sacrifice. This is where the Priest must choose something, an object, keepsake, or other such thing, of great importance and have it be gifted to their respective deity. The approval of this object needs 4 4th Catechism Priests and 1 5th Catechism Bishop to approve. Many are often unable to ascend to this level because to give up something permanently often is more than one can bear (such as a beekepers entire farm, marriage to a partner, a sword gifted by a nobleman, etc.) In addition not many 5th Catechism level Bishops give their approval lightly, and must often be polled for years upon years.   Between the 4th and 5th Catechism the realized Priest can now found a new monastery, speak at a Conveyance, and even collaborate with other 4th Catechism Priests on matters of great importance beyond a simple region or town. Often these people are also able to speak with nobility or high ranking people in society.   Fifth Catechism - The Search - A ritual in which one communes with their deity before 4 Priests who have successfully completed their 5th Catechism, one from each denomination. Successfully fulfilling this ritual means one has the divine right to advocate and affect Religious Doctrine across the Church.   Sixth Catechism - The Anointing - A ritual in which all those who have completed the Fifth Catechism choose their Head Priest. This requires the presence of all members of the clergy to be present at Koinonia, where the four gods are summoned via a powerful ritual, where they choose the High Priest/Priestess.

Granted Divine Powers

Usually one is inducted into whichever denomination best suits their temperament. Often those with similar magical aptitude find themselves in like minded paths leading to their respective denomination (I.E. Moon Druids for Father Moon, Light Clerics for Mother Sun, etc.) but the choice is always on the acolyte.   Once they make the choice, they are given the tutelage needed to cultivate and hone their powers. Magical aptitude comes from study and practice. An untrained person canhurt themselves or others, but the training a student receives at the church ensures they understand the risks and techniques needed to channel magical power.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The High Priest/Priestess of the Zygallic Church sits among the members of the Emperor's High Council. As such they are extremely influential in which policies are passed within the Empire.   Because of this, the members of the Zygallic church enjoy a level of prestige and privilage most tradesmen or peasants would not receive. For example the Bishop of a local town may veto a council vote to utilize the nearby forest for lumber, or a group of acolytes may be allowed unlimited access into a city's library while townspeople are not.   This does not mean they can act without impunity, however, as the lower ranking members must answer to those above them. Some rules are generally considered allowed, but it falls upon the respective higher up how strictly they wish to enforce any rules of hegemony. For example, in one duchy a bishop may be allowed to act more authority in a town, while another the Bishop may require the approval of their arch bishop to veto a rule.   The lower ranking members, however, are subject to some level of responsibility. A higher ranking official who receives several complaints regarding a specific bishop or acolyte may be forced to strip said member out of their authority and install a new person. Such things occur often enough within the empire that people are not feeling oppressed, but not enough for the people to lose faith in the church's handling.    With their influence comes a great deal of responsibility, for religious figures of the Zygallic Church have a duty set forth and often are expected to meet it. It is considered imperative they work with local structures of influence to ensure the people in their sphere of influence have their needs met, or a policy enforced.


Founding Date
-1 F.E.
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Church of the Divine Four
Economic System
Permeated Organizations
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Character flag image: by Zach R


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