Dragons Fire Material in Mirateia | World Anvil

Dragons Fire

Dragons Fire is an incendiary weapon created and used by a small city known as Dragons Head. Once the First unification war broke out, news that this small city was producing weapons that it was believed could help turn the tide of the war in the favour of who controlled the city it made an impression on the Crienia that they had to control the city which resulted in several decades-long campaigns were the armies of Pearlhal slowly made their way towards the city.


Material Characteristics

Dragons fire looks like a thick liquid that sticks to anything it comes in contact with. Generally, it has the colour black but can come in more brownish colours as well.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Dragons fire is highly flammable and is said to even burn on water.


What makes up Dragons fire even to this day, almost 1100 years after Dercia conquered the city, remains a mystery. Many have tried to replicate Dragons' fire. While some have come close, and their versions have been accepted into use by the Imperial military, Firebombs created using Dragons fire remain the main incendiary weapon for the military.   It's generally debated that Dragons fire uses combinations of pine resin, naphtha, quicklime, calcium phosphide, sulfur, or niter. Although when people combine these ingredients together, they never achieve the same colour or consistency as the original.

Life & Expiration

If stored properly and turned into Firebombs, then Dragons fire can be expected to have an expiration date of 5 years. After that, the material becomes unstable and might explode randomly or not ignite when used at all.

History & Usage

Everyday use

For the longest time, the Dragons fire was used in the city's defence where it was made. It helped multiple times in throwing back invaders, but by the time the Kingdom of Dercia took over the city, it turned into an offensive weapon as well, and in the last 1100 years the usage has been primarily by the Imperial military in their engagements with either invader such as Principality of Clifia or during The Decade of 5 Emperors

Cultural Significance and Usage

Before the Battle of the Dragons Head Dragons Fire didn't have that great an impact on the culture of Dercia, the knowledge of the product were limited to its origin place and the surrounding area that might have been in contact with it at some point.   It was first really when the Kingdom of Dercia took over. It found its way into its military as the region of Dercia has ever since the Ancient Empire almost without mages, so when the armies of Dercia got their hands on Dragons Fire; it suddenly brought them up to the same scale as armies outside the region were mages were somewhat more common, and many scholars believe that it was the Dragons Fire that in the end helped the kingdom of Derica in uniting the Region of Dercia and transform into the Empire of Dercia

Manufacturing & Products

The most common product made of Dragons Fire is Firebombs used by artillery when besieging a city or by the infantry to throw at the charging enemy during a pitched battle.   Another version of Dragons fire is slightly more liquid than the one used in firebombs used by the Imperial Navy on their ships of the Aquillia class were some of the ships have been equipped with flamethrowers.



Dragons fire can be stored for some time in small tanks but is generally not done as it can easily be ignited and is nearly impossible to put out. A more common storage solution is to make the Dragons fire into firebombs and then store the bombs, as this solution is generally viewed as safer and takes up less space.

Law & Regulation

The secret to Dragons fire is a secret passed down from master to apprentice for generations, and the trade of the Dragons fire is heavily regulated, making it almost too expensive for outsiders to invest in firebombs; helping the city keep the secret safe, these regulations were one of the reasons for the Battle of the Dragons Head were the Kingdom of Dercia and Alliance of City-states fought a battle for control over the city. Dercia ended up winning but respected the secret tradition of the city on the condition that the city supplied the kingdom with firebombs.
Between 50 Silver penny and up to 100 Crown
Not uncommon but well known.
Common State


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