Fensalir Ethnicity in Mindosza, Age of Dawnbreakers | World Anvil
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The Fensalir are a hardy people, living in northern Mindosza. Having had little warning of the imminent Convergence, they turned to the mountains. Digging deep tunnels, they created vast underground networks, such as Skastheim  and were able to focus their defenses to the entryways. However, being as rushed as they were to get to safety, they came to realize quickly, that if they were to live their lifes under the mountain, they had to be inventive. Creations such as light crystals enabled them to grow crops without sun and inventions like powered dams had them harvest energy of rivers deep down in their mines. However, all of this only ever made them “survive”. Having to fend of Horrors trying to reach them at all times left little room to flourish and so most Fensalir came to worship Lorm, the Marauder, looking to take what was denied them for hundreds of years. With the Havens opening up, their most inquisitive minds were able to salvage old technology taking them to the skies: Airships.
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