Kelfir Windwhisper Character in Melyria | World Anvil

Kelfir Windwhisper

The First Keeper Of Keys, Archmage Kelfir Windwhisper

Kelfir Windwhisper had humble origins as part of the druidic tribe in edges of Lokinanda, but during his life he would become a great influence on the magical community that has since gathered to the Silver Shore Island. He was a Wild Magic Sorcerer, who together with Ant'gloth Frozenheart and Yodira Pyrocrystal founded the Silver Shore Academy of Magi, Becoming it's Archmage after Yodira passed away.

Physical Description

Body Features

Kelfir was rather skinny Wood Elf man. He was described a bit short compared to most wood elves, and he had bright green hair that turned darker pine green as he aged. He had bronze-coloured eyes with an impish look in them and golden skin.

Work in progress.

Special abilities

Work in progress.

Apparel & Accessories

Work in progress.

Specialized Equipment

Work in progress.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kelfir was born 18th of Juner, amongst the Druids of Lokinanda. Due to his unique connection to magic as a Wild Magic Sorcerer, he did struggle to fit into his birth culture and tribe. Kelfir's unpredictable powers were confusing for his tribesmen, and while he wasn't sent away, he always felt he quite did not belong.

From a young age, Kelfir had a boundless curiosity towards things beyond the swamps his tribe inhabited, as well as inner fire to try and protect the island from the undead that plagued the swamps of Lokinanda. His unique gifts, however, treated magic in ways that were foreign to his own people, and he ended up more than a few times causing some mishaps.

Windwhisper and Frozenheart

Kelfir's life took an important turn, as a stranger, a dark elf, came from the Underdark and occupied a cave near the tribal lands. Curious as ever, Kelfir approached the stranger, and after initial shock and hassle, he would make contact with this new neighbour. The stranger was Ant'gloth Frozenheart, wizard and drow noble who knew little about the surface world around him but was very talented in matters of magic. Intrigued, Kelfir offered himself as Ant'gloth's guide to the surface life, if he would teach him about magic. Reluctantly, Ant'gloth would agree.

While the friendship of the two elves started cautiously, Kelfir and Ant'gloth would soon enough start to bond through their mutual curiosity and experiences of being outsiders among their own people. Kelfir often speaks very fondly of his friend in his memoirs.

"I felt that he [Ant'gloth], probably had very few people to talk to before me. At least, talk freely that is. First, he was very quiet, but the more time I spend with him, the more he would talk like he was enamoured with his own voice. That said, I did not mind. I enjoyed every bit of it, and I know he did too."
— Memoirs of Kelfir Windwhisper

Shared passion for magic made Kelfir first a student (and research specimen, as Ant'gloth wound Kelfir's sorcery very interesting) for Ant'gloth, but soon also a research partner. Not only had Ant'gloth come to a surface with multiple magical items and tomes, but he had also brought in a dead body of a last known Drider that ever crawled in Mori'tarna.

These rather horrifying treasures were interesting for Kelfir, who had lived in fear of undead his whole life, and the two started to experiment if the Ant'gloth's collection could be used to help with the undead infestation in the area. While the pair soon realized that fixing the whole area from its curse was impossible, their experiments were starting to bear fruit in other forms, creating protections and other methods to help out the locals to live their lives more safely in these swamps.

Spark that started the fire

The hard work of the two men did not stay unnoticed, even though they mostly worked in quite small circles; but when it comes to arcane studies, people will take an interest, especially in areas as small and contained like the Silver Shore Island. One day, an unfamiliar figure arrived to the hideout of the two researchers, a fan of shorts. Yodira Pyrocrystal, gnomish wizard that enjoyed the favor of the Stone Hall Council and the Stoneskull clan had heard the rumour of their achievements, and come to see herself what Ant'gloth and Kelfir had to offer.

Work in progress.


Work in progress.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Work in progress.

Intellectual Characteristics

Work in progress.

Morality & Philosophy

Work in progress.

Personality Characteristics


Work in progress.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Work in progress.


Contacts & Relations

Work in progress.

Family Ties

Work in progress.

Religious Views

Work in progress.

Social Aptitude

Work in progress.


Yodira Pyrocrystal

Friend, collague

Towards Kelfir Windwhisper


Kelfir Windwhisper

Friend, collague

Towards Yodira Pyrocrystal


Chaotic Good [DnD alignment] | Green, Red & Blue [MTG-color alignment]
Honorary & Occupational Titles

Work in progress.

Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
18th of Juner
Date of Death
25th of Maral
375 AoS 1042 AoS 667 years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
158 cm (short)
42 kg (skinny)
Known Languages

Work in progress.


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