
Most known of their mages, people of drui-folk are often simply referred to as "druids" by the outsiders and many times they do that themselves to simplify. They are very much formed around traditions that come naturally for druid casters, and as such, words drui and druid are used interchangeably in spoken language.

The drui are a large and diverse group of people that follow old traditions that worship spirits and nature itself, some worshiping gods, while other groups being very indifferent to them. While every druidic-tribe is very different in its customs, there are some underlining principals that can be observed among the different cultural groups.

History and Origin

In Melyria, nomadic wood elves are considered most frequent practitioners of druidic traditions. Thus it is common, specially among elves, in Umeros considered that elves or eladrin are the origin of the tradition, but there is no common consensus about this globally. The argument goes that because of transformations and connection to fey, it makes sense that elves, told to be originally shape-shifting spirits, would have created such life-style and ideology.

But this explanation doesn't seem to satisfy the answer how the practice is so widespread. There are plenty of other people, including but not limited to firbolgs, humans, tabaxis, tortles, goblinoids, orcs and goliaths who are are practicing similar believes and ideals, each with their own spin.

Among elf historians of Velkas, it is actually more common theory that some of the eladrin, once coming to Melyria from Feywild, saw humans practicing druidic ways and adopted and developed the culture further after finding it appealing to their sensibilities. According to this theory, the origin of the drui-culture is not elves, but giants. Giants are not as prominent in magic than many other creatures, but magic they usually are practicing is elemental based and very much could be considered as what is called druidic magic.

Theory claims that this kind of magic was easier to adopt than arcane kind and didn't require connection to a deity, the practice became popular among several less magically adept races and they adopted some of the ideas of the giants and made some of their own, worshiped spirits and elementals and primordials. That gave a push to what became the core of the set of values and ideas that now form a backbone of drui ideals and practices. Still, common consensus is that druidic culture still has deep connection to fey as well. It is possible that earlier drui found them more agreeable that elementals, or maybe eladrin, did introduce feys to the culture.


Major language groups and dialects

As drui tribes are very diverse and speak languages with to their race and surroundings, but they are also known to share their own druidic language among the druid-casters and depending their surroundingd it is not unusual to find drui that can speak sylvan or some of the primordial languages.

Shared customary codes and values

What differentiates drui-communities from other tribal cultures is their drive towards balance and harmony with their surroundings. This isn't to say that drui couldn't be violent or would hesitate to attack when they feel under a threat. Some druids steal and cause harm, however they always drive to do as little harm to their environment as possible and avoid conflict unless they feel it is absolutely necessary. Drui view nature around them as something that gives them what they need, so they need to protect and cultivate it to keep it satisfied. They do not view that land or really anything can truly owned but only loaned from the world around them.

For this reason, drui do not farmland, own a lot of things or conquer. Druis are not true pacifists yet they rather stay away from any conflict they are not directly tight to or don't concern their home or way of life.


Beauty Ideals

In drui cultures, physical prowess is often found attractive. While the acceptance level varies, scars and other marks of injuries are considered trophies, if they do not hinder or kill the individual.

Drui also like to decorate themselves with things found in nature around them. One tribe might like fresh flowers and clamshells, while others dress in bones and leathers; also feathers, wooden accessories, animal pelts and -horns are typical. If the accessory is self-made, hunted or otherwise earned, even better. The visual presentation of the accessories is often more important than their monetary value. Piercings, body-paintings, and tattoos of different kinds are popular in most communities to differing degrees.

Drui also, when having some, tend to be particular about their hair. Drui tribes of people that have hair tend to have customs around it; was it to shave one's hair off, make dreadlocks or something more elaborate, you can bet that most of them have a ritual or two concerning their locks.

Gender Ideals

Gender ideals vary wildly from group to group, but what stays constant is the idea that everyone in drui-community must be useful to the community. Some communities keep their women long way from harm's way, in others, they fight in front lines but in both communities, where you male or female, drui expect you to produce something of value for your community and to take care of yourself. Drui males are usually likely to have some talents of a warrior in them, though some tribes also approve those more inclined to medicine. Drui sees nurture and protection as something that should be valued, but how they perceive nurture and protection varies wildly.

Courtship Ideals

It is common in drui communities that courtship is short and in some communities non-existent. Some communities have no concept of marriage what so ever, and even those that do are often less rigid about how pairing happens if it happens at all. Sex doesn't need to mean any kind of commitment to these communities, but that doesn't mean that pairing up never happens.

When courting does happen and is required, it is common for those who search other's affections to show their abilities to another party - was it form of hunting trophies, courting dance, duel or crafting something. In some cases the exchange is not made with the one courting one desires, at least not entirely, but request to a parent or tribe elder is required. In other communities, it is the elders that decide all the pairings without the input of the pair.

Regardless of the way it is done, the exchange doesn't take very long and is usually very straight forward. Druids have little patience for long courtship rituals and complications. Life is too short for that!


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