Priman/Primordial Language in Melyria | World Anvil




Priman, also known as Primordial is language of elementals and the Primordials. Roughly translating to "The first word", Priman is possibly the oldest and possibly the first language that was ever uttered in the dawn of time itself. It was one, if not the original language of creation, used to create things with the power of its might.

Priman and its four distinct dialects (Auran, Aquan, Ignan and Terran) are languages potent for magical use, but is less commonly used than Draconic.

Writing System

The priman lacks its own distinct alphabet, and thus is often written through other alphabets, which can explain partially why it is less common in magical use. While certain runes and sigils exist that are unique to priman, they are more kin to symbolic presentations of certain abstract concepts than written language. Most commonly, those attempting to write Priman use with Dwarvish or Infernal Script, though some uses of Celestial Script have been recorded.


As a language, priman is counted among the thought-resonant languages. This means that it is best presented in telepathic form than with an actual sound. That said, for convenience, some of these ideas have been boiled down to syllables to make use of the language by those unable to communicate telepathically. When the speaker truly understands the essence of a given word in priman, it is said they can use those words to bend reality and create life. This, though, is a power often out of the grasp of mere mortals.


3 Words.
Successor Languages


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