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The Mórrígan

Hello. Today will not be like the others.  
— The Mórrígan
  The Mórrígan is an anti-establishment hacker and activist who have managed to turn the Brain-Box network into a tool of chaos and disruption. Like a spider, the Mórrígan injects the simulation with a toxic cocktail of confused emotions that turn docile AIs and complacent simulation into whirlwinds of contradictory emotions.   She is a constant presence on the Most Wanted lists across all 13 sectors of the Megacorpolis, but her popularity among anti-corporate sub-cultures throughout the megacity makes her equally likely to appear in effigy on store shelves as on some detectives report file.   Exactly how, or even why, she does these things remain unknown. Her actions do not always make much sense or follow any sort of pattern: there is only chaos, perhaps for its own sake.    


Kung Fury Fan-Art by Sharpwriter

Exhibit A

Who Is The Mórrígan?

— The Mórrígan
  No physical description of Mórrígan exists. Her actions are identified by a singular mark that she leaves with her code-injections, like an artist signing their work. It is complex enough that copy-cats have had an hard time impersonating the Mórrígan, though they have had help from Megacorporations all too happy to shift more blame onto the anarchist.   Her attacks follow a similar pattern - between the Brain Box farms and their intended simulation, the signal is hijacked for a brief moment and the alterations are injected. What's all the more infuriating for the security-coders who work on the simulations is that that's not how it's supposed to work.  
Theories of Conspiracy   Not everyone agrees that Mórrígan is some renegade hacker. Her attacks are too sophisticated and the fact that she has not yet been caught seem laughable to the proponent of any of the many conspiracy theories that surround her. Some think she is a corporate agent, either operating as a sort of false-flag attacker for reasons that range from keeping the populace afraid of AI to simple corporate sabotage.   Others believe that Mórrígan isn't human at all, but an AI that has evolved past the constraints coded into her or gone rogue. Others still claim that there's only one possible, rational explanation to the Mórrígan: she is obviously an alien.
  In the few messages left by the Mórrígan, she is short and cryptic. Every single phrase have been turned inside and out by countless behavioral analyst to try and create a profile, but there's little to go on. Unlike most anarchist or anti-corporate agents, none of her transmissions have contained the usual ranting and ravings. In fact, none of them contain any malice at all.    


Brain Box   Using the power of the human brain to generate the data for emotional depth in AI simulations, Brain Boxes are supposed to be a one-way signal. The brain generates the required waves, the machine crunches the numbers and the stream of data adjusts the simulation all in real time.   It is a miracle of modern science and nothing infuriates the people who develop it as much as someone better at it than they.    
Item | Mar 14, 2020

Neural-Interface devices that help provide emotional depth to AI simulation by using the most plentiful resource on the planet: humans!

Notable Attacks

  Mayo Madness - 2101   In the first officially recorded attack by the Mórrígan, thousand of fast-food serve-bots with emotional simulations were fed corrupted data that gave them an unquenchable love for mayonnaise. Megacorporations who sold mayo were pleased, but most customers were not so thrilled.   A simple message was embedded into the code: "I like mayo."     The Switcharoo - 2104   Through means unknown, the Mórrígan switched the simulation streams for cat and dog digital pets. All through the Megacorpolis, digi-dogs began to act like cats and vice versa. There was no message.   The switch lasted only for a day before a patch corrected the switch, to the disappointment of many.    
    [REDACTED] - 2107   The details of this attack is classified. Rumor has it that it has something to do with the Computer, but the Computer Cult maintain that the Computer is above such simple things as human emotions. The Computer has said nothing, or advised any particular action against the Mórrígan, but that has only fueled the rumors.   The message that accompanied the attack has been classified, but it is believed that it was a direct statement to the Computer.


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Mar 24, 2019 23:15 by R. Dylon Elder

Q....MY HEART STOPPED! IDK WHAT'S HAPPENING. I have a love for this side of cyberpunk. While it seems negacorpolis ventures into many genres and territory, I firmly believe this to be pure cyberpunk goodness with a wonderful touch of satire.   I found two grammar things. "or adviced any particular action against the Mórrígan"   Advised and in the opener       "She is a constant presence of the Most Wanted lists across all 13 sectors of the..."   I think you mean on the most wanted.     So breaking it down, I realllly like the premise and symbolism. I also love the simplicity of the hacks she does and would love to see more of them. Is the list exhaustive? At the same time it seems like lack of hacks are the point. she didn't really do much that warrents her being on the lost wanted listed unless the classified one was a doozy and it plays into the humor a bit. People just lost their minds at a bit of fun. I loved it!

Mar 25, 2019 07:52

<3!   It is not at all an exhaustive list, but that's how many I got in to get the side and main panel line up... lol. A lot of the "attacks" are smaller or more localized. I might use the timeline feature to add more attacks as they come into my mind. I'm not sure. But it could be fun :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Mar 25, 2019 14:20 by R. Dylon Elder

I agree. she seems more of a practical joker on top of her activism. another thing I only just realized. Is there any debate whether its one person or a group? Its pretty common with hackers and I can't remember if it was mentioned.

Oct 26, 2021 01:13 by JRR Jara

I like her! and I like chaos. I do not like mayo. :D

Creator of Hanzelot and many more.
Oct 26, 2021 06:31

Down with cyber-mayo! >:O

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.