
"It would be inaccurate to call Tosemuism a religion, it is more akin to a family of closely related religions with various overlapping deities."
Common Views on the Divines
Tosemuism is a religious tradition that encompasses the majority of faiths in the Black Ocean world, both human and elven. The various faiths of the group tend to tolerate each other as they are generally considered to be worshiping the same gods and goddesses, though there is noted hostility towards religions that are from outside of the tradition. Members of the group seldom identify as "Tosemuist," often choosing to identify with their specific faith tradition or even their specific sect of said tradition, though Tosemuist communities in majority non-Tosemuist regions are known to identify with the group more commonly, such as the case of the Waekuri within the Amun Dynasty who are known for blending the various Tosemuan interpretations.   While there is a great deal of overlap in which deities are worshipped, no two sects of Tosemuism are exactly alike and can, in fact, vary significantly between each other. Individual sects' interpretations of the specific deities that are worshipped are often significantly different from one another despite being identified with one another.    

The Pantheons of the four largest Tosemuan faiths can be seen here.

Ziela (traditional elven)Draskyitism (Demian)U'wa'ne (Kolu)Patrokism (Kosva)
Tyn Tyne Te'wa Markov
Taj Targa Maliar
Puri Parsin E'pu'ah
Ruca Raja A'ro'aka Mekeivka
Alumi Alka E'mua'la Lysnav
Shurum Shorm E'so'ah Daskal
Arkan Arkin Ke'lu'ah Prytul
Izda Sura Lua
Sef Vekr
Ara Arana Reigara
Nidra Nidran Anu'ara Nadia
Taho Tarki Su'da'le Krajat
Laque Rozal
Aimu Laima

Relation to Outsider Faiths

Collectively, Tosemuist faiths already account for a solid majority of the population of the Black Ocean world, but there are some religious scholars who argue that traditionally non-Tosemuist faiths ought to be included within the faith family, despite the oftentimes heated disagreement of the adherents of these outside faiths. Some such deities are:
  • Ifushe, the monotheistic deity of the Mimye religion is often considered by Ziela adherants as simply an interpretation of Izda due to their similar domains.
  • The thousands of minor spirits of Chalusanism are often described as imperfect reflections of Tosemuist gods by Tosemuist observers.
  • Ayīmīflā of the Lūfulā faith is usually referred to as Arana in Demian descriptions and Mo-aha in Kolu ones. Māḩābāʻā is likewise named as Tarki or Su-da-le-hu.
  • Aerin Bulousi claims that "The people of the Isles serve Raja, Arana, and Nidran, though it took long for me to recognize them."
  • Izada, a deity of Atashyi folklore is often considered to be an imperfect understanding of Izda based on similarities in their names and domains.
Religious, Pantheon
Subsidiary Organizations


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