The Last Taps Chapterhouse
The Last Taps Chapterhouse is the Burning Hearts Social Club affiliate pub for the Manifold Conservation Society's capitol at Bunker Primus. Situated in a gravity bath in the microgravity region beside the commissure at Medial D5, the Last Taps serves the needs of brave Burnheart travelers passing through en route to or from the War of Reunification's Caudal-adjacent front.
Purpose / Function
Ideally situated near the commissure transit station nexus that connects the Medial E and D halves of Bunker Primus, the Last Taps provides travelling Burnhearts with food, drink, accomodations, and cameraderie. An unspoken secondary purpose of the Last Taps is to provide these same travellers with easy access to supplies and services via proximity to the local MartMart International branch, Navigator's Guild hall, and well-connected groundling middlemen. Above all, the pub serves as a focal point for Burning Hearts Social Club activities in the region.
The Last Taps Chapterhouse is famous for it's morbid, somewhat piratical decor. The owners have combined the Manifold Conservation Society's obsession for ruminations on extinction and the end of the world with the location's dark, subterranean environs to influence the pub's aesthetic. Skulls, obviously fake plants, and furnishings made mostly of perserved-in-state timber contrast against the polished stone and iron girders of the Bunker Primus substructure, suggesting a waystation for some fantastical netherworld as much as a place of drunken delights. Indeed, all the menu items at The Last Taps Chapterhouse have names relating to death, the afterlife, the apocalypse, or the subterranean world. Notable examples include:
Room-Temperature Lunch: a cold cut sandwich featuring ham, bacon, provolone, and greens on dark rye,
Coffin Nail: a chilled braggot made with dark beer and Bee's Lantern,
World Afire: a flaming shot featuring chili-infused Bee's Lantern,
Booming Blood: a dark, complicated cocktail based on Caldera Red (served warm or over ice upon request),
Under the Roots: a chicken and vegetable pizza with herbacious white sauce served on a tray themed after the ritual sigil of Ixutabmut, and
Ferryman's Feast: a beer-battered fish and chips basket shaped like an oar-marker's blade.
The Last Taps occupies its own gravity bath carousel, meaning that its floor has a bowl-like geometry. The entry foyer is an elevator and stairwell located at the axis of the gravity bath; visitors step out of these access points onto the centermost portion of the bowl where the angular velocity is comparatively minimal.
Despite it's location in the micro-gravity region of the cube layer in which it is embedded, this means that the pub's outermost regions experience almost terrestrial gravity. The traditional Burning Hearts storytelling platform is a semicircle that half surrounds the central axis, leaving a gap for those exiting the access points to 'catch up' with the rotation of the establishment. The bar, kitchen diner seating, and snugs occupy the same half of the gravity bath as the platform, albeit farther towards the rim to provide more comfortable gravity for those not presenting. The other half of the gravity bath is taken up with hotel rooms which visiting Burnhearts can rent for an evening or two before continuing on their travels.
The architectural decoration of the Last Taps takes inspiration from Forgist Deco movement. The Forgist afterlife is believed to be a 'cold, tempering place,' and this theme inspires the whimsically morbid aesthetic of the Last Taps (see Alterations).
Alternative Names
Last Taps
Parent Location
Owning Organization