Mel̓ux̌aca’ Organization in Malplenan | World Anvil
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  Southern Nations History  

Mythical Era

The Sqʷn̓ečstm are thought to have swam down river from Kaveto Mountain then settled into the Kaveto Plateau. All of the Southern Myths related to the Sqʷn̓ečstm are said to have taken place during this time period.  

Heroic Era

  The nation of Mel̓ux̌aca’ was formed during the Heroic Era when the Amikwànò attacked during The Kakina Basin War. The united leadership formed an alliance with The Khündish Empire that allowed them to push back and win the war.   Mel̓ux̌aca’ started to slowly degrade overtime as the war faded behind them. After a couple of generations, the Sqʷn̓ečstm no longer recognized their authority and looked to local rulers, or in some cases, no rulers, instead. When The Fishing Famine hit, the government collapsed entirely leaving no rulers in their place.    

Modern Era

  The citizens of the region still identify as belonging to the nation of Mel̓ux̌aca’, however, they don't agree on who their ruler is or if they even have a ruler. There has been a constant power struggle over the last few hundred years as various rulers have vied for leadership over some of the regions to varying success. Some are no more than thugs, going from village to village extracting taxes and drafting children into the army, while others have formed a strong leadership with their citizens.   Some "rulers" have recently grown strong enough to have been recognized by other nations. However, they don't all have the respect of the citizens and some have resulted to forcefully taking taxes from villages in the region. There are also plenty of villages in border regions that are claimed, and taxed, by multiple rulers.    


  Mel̓ux̌aca’ is primarily located in the Kaveto Plateau and the T̍lim̍ Qul Mountains. A significant majority of the population lives on rivers or lakes, with the X̌aluca' Rivers the most prominent.   They are bordered on the south west by the Amikwànò Marshlands, the west by the Rodante Hills, the north by the T̍lim̍ Qul Mountains and the south east by the Khünd Plains. The nation makes up the northern portion of the Kakina River basin, which feeds into the Ömnöd Sea through the marshes to the south.


The Sqʷn̓ečstm tend to be very individualistic, preferring small communities or families over larger cities or nations. This has caused their nation to tend towards an "every Sqʷn̓ečstm for themsevles" attitude. Citizens tend to be very wary of travellers and will often hide or resort to trickery to make it seem like no one is around.

Demography and Population


Most follow shaminism of the Southern Myths, especially as led by the Monastic Order of Mel̓ux̌uhl, but Deucracia is becoming more and more popular.

Agriculture & Industry

Lots of fishing.

385 BE - 320 BE

Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Legislative Body
Judicial Body
Executive Body
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages

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