BB's Diary #6 Prose in Maelan | World Anvil

BB's Diary #6

Ansday, 8th Shadow 211 EoL

Dear Diary,

  this morningTT told us his new name. It was not spectacular, but very much like him. He just came out of his tent, made some weird pose, and told us that his new name is Hardened-Hailstorm Hurricane or Tripple H.   Today I mostly talked to Drake during our journey to Adanum, where we arrived in the late afternoon, and boy were we not welcome in the city. As soon as we entered the gates a guard wanted to escort us to prison. Apparently the authorities of the city were not happy that we left for the mines, the day after our arrival.   TT, sorry... Triple H and Yelena were not fond of that idea at first, but I managed to convince Triple H to come with us. I just saw in Drake's eyes that it was the right decision. Convincing Yelena took some more work. She really did not want to go to prison and I felt, that it had something to do with her past... I just didn't know what exactly.   When we got to the prison each of us got locked up in their own cell and we waited there for what felt like an eternity. I felt so bad like it was somehow my fault that we were imprisoned. I did not want to put Drake and Yelena through this, Gwenelle maybe, but the others didn't deserve to be there. I was relieved when I heard my brother's voice in my head telling me that I was not alone in all of this.   Finally, six people entered the room, they apparently were all very important but only two of them really talked to us and asked us questions. The Praetur and some Darkelf . They thought themselves very important but did not seem very bright since they did not want to share the little they know about the dome, but wanted us to give up our information. On top of that, they did not even know that oxygen is limited under a glass dome, I mean even I know that... Triple H did not seem as talkative and able to reply to our interrogators, as usual, this is why I tried my best to help him out. Unfortunately, I could not see him since he was in the cell next to me. Drake, however, was right across the room, so each time I wanted to say something I first looked at Drake to reassure myself that I could do it without bringing us in a more dangerous situation.   After the interrogation, we were allowed to leave, except for Yelena, who wanted to attack at least one of the VIPs with some kind of spell. She was muted, which kind of felt good for a little while if I'm honest. That rash decision of Yelena confirmed my suspicion that something must have happened to her involving a prison cell. If only I knew what and could help her... I gave her a small note promising that I would come and get her the next morning.   We then walked back to the Wolfden, where Birdy and the other Wolves we saved from Gullitiklan, waited for us. They organized a goodbye ceremony for Drake's fallen family. I was so moved, I had to cry but tried to hide it since I did not know those guys and felt that it was not my place to cry. Then Birdy kind of surprised us all, by asking Shirel, Gwenelle and the non-present Yelena to join the Wolves of Summer. She even asked Triple H and me to join which I kindly declined, even though deep down I really would have liked to accept her offer. And then Birdy named Drake the new captain of that pack of Wolves, which only came as a surprise to Drake, because let's be honest, who else could do that job? He's the only one of this new pack, who has been a Wolf of Summer for more than 5 minutes...   Afterward, we partied with the Wolves of Summer, and that means lots of food and Mini's Best Beer in Town. I saw that Triple H did not drink at all... I really need to talk to him again, soon. I got tipsy and flirty, so Drake and I started kissing. I think it was the first real kiss we shared in the presence of the others. On my way to the bathroom, I met Gwenelle, and as usual, she attacked me right away and we fought again. She said that she wants to protect Drake from me since she thinks that I am a snake. Whatever, she's just jealous and I know that Drake sees the real me. It was past midnight when we got to our room. Unfortunately, Drake had a few beers too much, so that he fell asleep as soon as we laid down.   But on the other hand that gives me time to write all of this down. I really hope that tomorrow we'll have time to buy some contraceptives so that it can finally happen...  

Love, BB <3


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