Birdy Character in Maelan | World Anvil


Beta Nola Mikera (a.k.a. Birdy)

Birdy grew up outside the Numian Empire among a reclusive circle of druids. When the empire came, there was nothing the circle could do. They had to disband due to the empire's laws on religion. Birdy decided to join the Wolves of Summer as a way of survival. Live within the empire without being beholden to it.   As a member of the Wolves, she quickly made a name for herself as a fearsome and gruesome warrior. Her nickname "Birdy" came about because she has a tendancy of flying through enemies' skulls when transformed into a bird. As the Wolves expanded and grew in size, she bacame an easy choice to lead a family of wolf packs. She usually led her family to the border regions of the empire. This meant dealing with the Numian military, but also allowed for work outside of the empire.
Year of Birth
180 EoL 32 Years old
long, blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, slightly tanned
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Character Portrait image: by Alen Rocha