Panabon Wrec Character in Like Clockwork | World Anvil

Panabon Wrec

The Masked Acrobat
OC created by John M.

The Magnificent Panabon Wrec (a.k.a. Pocryn the Mysterious)

“Well, I don’t live far. What could another drink hurt?” Panabon said cheerily, emboldened by the drink coursing through their system. Their face flashed with light the more they drank as their eyebrows became more expressive.

“And you’re right,” Panabon said after a thoughtful moment. “I could do much better than just grading other peoples jewels. It’s true! There are great gnomes! Gnomes of consequence!” Panabon said, their grin widening. “Like my hero.”

They’d come to Panabon and offered a mask. They’d get to join an elite, secret group of movers and shakers that were accruing wealth. They wouldn’t have to be limited by what the dragonborn would give them. And, frankly, coming up on 21- it would be nice to be your own boss. Not that Panabon knew what they wanted to do in life, but having options to find out. That would be sweet.

And Panabon was pretty charismatic, if they did say so themselves. “Alright, I’ll do it! Just a few jewels. Nobody will even miss them.”

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The build of an acrobat, compact, flexible, and quick.

Body Features

Panabon has a rhomboid body type, with shoulders slightly wider than their hips. They have a long, slender neck and wiry frame.

Facial Features

Panabon has a high and prominent brow and wide-set, upturned eyes with positive tilt. Their nose is medium long with a slight snub and full lips. A strong, angled jawbone leads to a prominent chin and high cheekbones complete a sense of androgyny. Panabon's ears are long, like all gnomes, and theirs are relatively flat.

Identifying Characteristics

Panabon has permanently bejeweled their eyebrows.

Physical quirks


Special abilities

Looking Hot
Feeling Good

Apparel & Accessories

A colorful (and usually bright) costume that’s easy to move around in, for acrobatics and busking tricks.

A variety of light-weight masks that can be hidden and produced.

The same but edgy-goth... for Pocryn

Specialized Equipment

Quick change masks. Tools for tinkering (and maybe for thieving.

A really interesting clockwork gauntlet. It's sure to do something.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gnomes aren’t really a familial bunch. Sure, by honor of being approximately the same height, gnomes look like a really coordinated bunch- but not so much in at least Panabon’s experience. Striking out wasn’t a big deal after a certain age. And in a country where you’re almost a minority species, there’s no point in really hanging around if it’s not going to offer much in the way of power or protection.

Plus, who wants to live in a farmland forever?

Panabon set out to find their fortune- a bright eyed, beautiful, and gullible little gnome of 18. Quick with hands and good at appraisal, they found middle class work pretty easily and would’ve settled into middle class life had they not been left holding the bag, rightly accused of embezzlement.

It was embarrassing but Panabon wasn’t going to dwell on the accusations. Though they were going to learn to use a blade so if they ever saw one of those porcelain mask wearing seducers again- they were going to give them what for. Yes. It wasn’t going to consume them.


But reputation can proceed oneself and if one can’t say why they left their last job, a new one can be hard to find. Luckily for Panabon, they’ve always been entrepreneurial minded. And there’s always extra work for the quick of hand in Palacuun. If you know where to work and you don’t mind- bending- a few rules to get what you want. That’s all.

After all, it’s not Panabon who is the thief. The thief Pocryn doesn’t have jeweled eyebrows that anyone has ever seen. Really.

Gender Identity





Panabon is formally educated in appraisal, accounting, and tinkering, having learned these in trade schools.

Pocryn is informally educated on the streets of Flono'pefel.


Jewelry and Gemstones Appraiser @ Lowlands Jewelry and Appraisal

Fan Club President @ Nugatza Senato Fan Club; 1099 Local

Accomplishments & Achievements

Elected Fan Club President of the Nugatza Senato Fan Club; 1099 Local

Stealing the Flower Vase of Emminence Inetra Tehnaight just for the prestige.

Stabbing 4 3 Flom'gesu Guards.

Failures & Embarrassments

Moral failure of being seduced into stealing things (and getting caught).

Letting that fourth guard dodge the dagger I dropped from the second story window of Flom'gesu Villa.

Not stabbing porcelain masked liars in the face.


Not stabbing porcelain masked liars in the face.

Mental Trauma

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Panabon stabs a guy but the guy doesn’t have hands and has a really long tongue. That’s traumatic honestly!

Oh! and also the shame of having to move in disgrace to a place where nobody knows you.

With somebody that hates you.

"Hate" is a strong word...

Intellectual Characteristics

Smart but with too much hubris and joie de vivre hiding an ability to think of longer term consequences for actions.

Morality & Philosophy

Look, rules aren’t bad. Not inherently. But sometimes to survive, you have to do things other people won’t do. Plus, bad people sometimes need to get stabbed. It’s not that I... er... Panabon actively goes seeking things like that. People have slippery wallets. Some people get on the wrong side of certain thieves and thieving guilds. It’s nobody’s fault really. Things just happen!


Panabon is open to a lot of things in life.

Everything is worth trying once (with consent)!

Exception (to consent): Pocryn definitely stabs.

Some people don't like that. Oh, well!

(but honestly, that should go in their Taboo section.)

Personality Characteristics


Stealing and Stabbing and trying not to get punched or thrown into a jail they can’t get out of.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Quick and accurate with a blade.
Too much charisma
Stealing (but, like, not a dick about it).

Also, not charismatic enough.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Dislikes
People with hands and normal tongues The opposite
People that give them money People that don't appreciate art

Virtues & Personality perks

Not feeling good about leaving innocent folks (that I may or may not have tricked) to rot in jail. That comes from a virtue, right?

Vices & Personality flaws

Probably would leave innocent folks (that I may or may not have tricked) to rot in jail. (I didn't the last time... which was the only time... but I probably would)

I'd put someone in a compromising position to get what I want.

Personality Quirks

Sometimes... my hands just jump into pockets that don't belong to me.


I know what soap is.

Smelly performers don't make coin!


Contacts & Relations

Never be a member of a club that would accept you!
- Someone famous.

Not wrong... my most reliable contacts and affiliates have been... other thieves?

Family Ties

Can Nugatza Senato count?

Religious Views

Lately it's been Meilfron mi Fromnae but honestly wouldn't it be better if we had our own gnome god?

Social Aptitude

At least more aware than Shaelune and more cagey than Perunyia!!


Can be a little fidgety, especially if forced to sit in one place for too long.

Hobbies & Pets

No pets, but can probably tinker some up?

Is 'stabbing' a hobby?


A mix of low and high brow. For the crowds. Classy gets cashy.

Wealth & Financial state

Win some, lose some. Harder in the winters, pockets get fat in the spring and summer...
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Jackass
  • Horrible Person
  • That Thief!
  • Beautiful
  • Handsome
  • Wondrous
Date of Birth
8th of Tuhkuhm
16th of Fatio
Year of Birth
3393 TS 23 Years old
2B, Blue and Blacke
8 inches, layers
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Midday Daffodil (Yellow)
43 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Hail Meilfron.
-stated ironically.

Duzu lomut'somesh!

- "Holy Bananas!" (lit. Holy Long Apples)

Ne kanakitzi fafi ponaga ti nefu tu'zhu tu go muno!?

- "You charge how much for gnomish bread in this village!?"

Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Thieve's Cant

Cover image: by Ron Phillips
Character Portrait image: by Ron Phillips


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