LC 3 - Bring Out Your Dead! Report in Like Clockwork | World Anvil

LC 3 - Bring Out Your Dead!

General Summary

Stopped by the Inquisitor Miskro Geins'e and his companion, Darkclaw Tieske Frempliudo , Perunyia avoids their question and gives her name as Avril La'Venge.   The Inquisitor leaves, but Tieske, seeing that Perunyia is taking a corpse to the People's South Cemetary, asks to accompany. She concedes and they travel together to the open graveyard.   As they enter, Perunyia notices a woman moving around and she enters, calling out to the woman. The woman turns to regard them, her head spinning in a full 180 degree circle. The group watches, horrified as she stumbles towards Perunyia and Tieske.   Perunyia immediately assesses this is a threat, but it's Shaelune, ever alert to danger, who attacks. She launches a burst of arcane energy, which tear into the woman's body, apparently killing her.   The party moves in carefully and Perunyia goes to inspect. Then, a purple "mist" rises from the body, coalescing into a vaguely humanoid form, which escapes... but not before apparently raising several of the corpses in the cemetary.   They defeat the walking dead after Aegis calls on the power of Nipo'ea, sending several of the corpses scrambling away.   Afterwards, Tieske leaves to report, while the party heads back to the Desert Bloom. Perunyia and Lox stay up all night drinking, while Rosalia heads to the open roof to enter a restorative trance.   They leave the next morning to hire on with the caravan Keedj mentioned to Perunyia. They find the caravan master, Norsam of the Restless Wind.   Perunyia makes an agreement with Norsam, but Aegis is unsatisfied. He tries to force Norsam to pay more for the entire group by offering his skills as a physician. In the negotiation, he makes a wager. Norsam will pay them five silver a day, but if even one person on the caravan does not survive the trip, she will pay them nothing.   The rest of the party is... "pleased" at the great deal Aegis has procured for them.
Report Date
26 Jan 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: Docks of mehr'Kuldashta by Slobodan Jovanovich and Danny Oliver


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