The Republic of Niccarro Organization in Ligreida | World Anvil
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The Republic of Niccarro

Inspired by Renaissance Italy

There are records, dating back to somewhere around the First or Second year of Cota Titani, that relate to the true settling of Niccarro. Tieflings that had travelled as a mass force of refugees, finding no home that would not reject them for their infernal origins, came to a rest in what is now Niccarro. There they found a great many tribes of Goliaths, who understood the plight of the Tieflings and agreed to share their home.
Now unified, they joined and began the slow creation of duchies, counties and religious fifedoms. As often happens, these various locals soon began to desire power, and were set at each others throats.
This was until the year 750 CT.

A young goliath warlord rose steadily in power to take control of his homeland, deposing or killing any who stood in his way. As he steadily took control of Niccarro, some regions began to willingly bend the knee, in return for certain assurances once the Warlord's conquest was over.

By the time all of Niccarro fell to the Warlords feet, the War Lord rested and began the creation of a Republic, a land where the people would choose their leaders, and those leaders would work for the people. It was to be their Duty, unifed as a people of a strong and stable nation.
This War Lord became their first republic leader, the Caten, and was remembered as Caten Melchiorre.

The lofty ideals of Caten Melchiorre have lead to a mostly meritocratic state, with people earning their place through their work, but given that the nobility was never fully removed, Niccarro has become a republic where wealth and greed are considered to be the greatest merits a person can aspire to.
It is a Niccarran's duty to earn as much money as they can, to better fund their country. More money means more power, more power means more chances to fund the things that matter, like Art and Sciences.
The hoarding of wealth has created a very singular look of the Nicarrans.


Caten (Elected leader from within the Senators for a term of five years. A Caten can serve for as many terms as elected.)
Senators (One from every region, elected from Governers)
Governers (Three from every region, one always becoming a Senator)
The Families (Old families that were once nobility)
Populous (The General Populous)

Public Agenda

  • To raise their countries power through wealth and influence.
  • Everything has a price and Everything can be bought.
  • Be the Best

Demography and Population

Primary: Tieflings
Secondary: Goliaths


The Citizens share a combined faith in Niccarro. While each race tends to their own gods, they will often give credence to each others half.
The Goliath half is composed of gods of the Giant Pantheon
The Tiefling half is composed of great ancestral heroes of the Tiefling race. They consider these heroes equal to gods.
This pantheon is known as the Unafidic Pantheon.

Endure and Overcome

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Economic System
Market economy
The Niccaran Standard
  • Platinum Lir (Embossed with the Niccarran crest on one side, and the face of Caten Melchiorre on the other)
  • Gold Elon (Embossed with the Niccarran crest on one side, and the face of the current Caten on it)
  • Electrum Ina (Embossed with the Niccarran crest on one side, and the face of the current religious leader on it)
  • Silver Ola (Embossed with the Niccarran crest on one side, and the face of a generic Goliath on it)
  • Copper Nira (Embossed with the Niccarran crest on one side, and the face of a generic Tiefling on it)
    CN 1 1/10 1/50 1/100 1/1000
    SO 10 1 1/5 1/10 1/100
    EI 50 5 1 1/2 1/20
    GE 100 10 2 1 1/10
    PL 1000 100 20 10 1
    Legislative Body
    All rules, regulations and issues are brought forth and drafted by the Governers. The Governers then bring these matters to the Senators, who then debate and go over the matters themselves. Once they are agreed, it is sent on for approval by the Caten, who recieves final say in the matter.

    The Caten is also advised at all times by a Small Council. The Caten chooses these figures from veterans in their field.
    These roles are:
    • Master of Waves (A Veteran Sea-farer)
    • Master of Arms (A Veteran Soldier)
    • Master of Coin (A Veteran Merchant)
    • Master of Favour (A Veteran Spy, rarely chosen by the Caten, instead chosen by their predecessor)
    • Master of Grain (A Veteran Farmer)
    • Master of Faith (A High Ranking Religious figure, often chosen by the Dakexigrammaton Gotha of the Unafidic Church)
    • Master of Art (A Veteran Artist, regardless of format)
    Judicial Body
    Both the national military and regional guard are made up from able bodied volunteers from the time they mature. From then, they must serve 6 years (or longer in times of national war), at which time they can choose to remain in the service, or move on to other matters.
    Official State Religion
    Controlled Territories
    Related Ethnicities

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