Ygaul Character in Laminarum | World Anvil

Ygaul (Ee-Gaul)

In Opposition of Fate

Ygaul, adopted son of Taopin and Silset was birthed into the ranks of the Ithitar. Contrary to many folktale descriptions of the young devil's transition, his conversion into an Ohdaufeen wasn't peaceful. Ygaul was merely the medium upon which a truce was writ between Ornjack and Taopin.   When Rel Eteisus fled his family in preparation for sworn damnation upon Laminarum, Taopin (among others) feared that Mitos wouldn't have the will to slay his own child. A secret plan was devised to gain Ornjack's confidence and join together to slay Rel Eteisus in a battle akin to the slaying of Heien. In pursuit of his plan, Taopin would soon find Ornjack difficult to persuade due to prior trickery from the Ohfjuren  While Ornjack refused to join the fray himself, he promised a fighter in his stead. The new entity in question would accomplish several feats of trust between the Ohkinate and the Ohdaufeen. Firstly, the reborn creature would assist in the battle to come. Secondly, the fighter would be born from the husk of an Ithitar, leaving an enemy of the Ohdaufeen dispatched. The final boon was the reborn entity's loyalty to the Ohkinate. Should Laminarum survive the coming onslaught, this coming agent would represent Ornjack within his weave around the world: a domain the architect could not enter himself. This agent would be reborn under the name Ygaul, a tribute for the mother of the Ohfjuren. Ygaul would successfully aid in the destruction of Rel Eteisus by directly combating the domain of fate with one of control.  

A Domain from a Different Source

While most Ohdaufeen are believed to possess their domain inherently or to have gained it from the Well of Heien, Ygaul was reborn in the vision of the Ohkinate and their Web. Whether or not the differing source makes the power any less divine is unknown, but it leaves open questions regarding the history and sources of magic. At present, Ygaul is the only Ohdaufeen with a differing source of power.  

Knowledge, Strategy, and Control

Ygaul's domains are knowledge, strategy, and control. Each of these is meant to represent some facet of the Ohkinate while contrasting the domain of fate. While the worship of Ygaul is astonishingly rare, the domains lend themselves to military leaders first and foremost. In recent years (ca. 1947 NG), members of the Taopinist church have pointed to Ygaul's softer side of authority, such as his provision of free will after its theft by Rel Eteisus. Other examples include his balance of powers across the universe in an attempt to establish equilibrium. In fact, Ygaul is said to maintain many facets of the universe that Chaimut set in motion but later abandoned.  

A Godly Devil

While Ygaul may have joined the ranks of the Ohdaufeen, his original nature was that of a devil and his transition was facilitated by an Ohkinate. For all intents and purposes, Ygaul is capable of representing the majority of groups and perspectives in Laminarum, making the rarity of his worship strange. Perhaps his pull between divinity and darkness is unappealing to those on both sides, as extremism has long been the deciding factor in the prominence of religions.




Towards Ygaul




Towards Mitos


The Transition

The details of Ygaul's transition are muddy, but similarities have been drawn to the slaughter and containment of Heien. For example, the nameless devil was surrounded by an orb web. As the creature's belligerence faded, it was replaced by both loyalty and physical traits resembling the Architect himself. 
Ygaul's transformation has left open questions regarding what remains of Heien within the moon. Should he escape, would he be subservient and ordered like Ygaul?
Parents (Adopting)


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