Rimetusk Clan Organization in Laminarum | World Anvil

Rimetusk Clan

The Rimetusk clan lives in Duerinilar, north of Eldurgrund. The clan reaches back to the days of Ettermiddag and the first clans to leave the The Icelends. They were a noble family in the past, obeying the gods above them and fighting the Ettermiddag raiders. Not to mention, their first grand feat was defending Eldurgrund from Epithet in the War of Storms and Wings .   The clan mostly keeps to themselves. Few sightings of them outside of their domain are written, and it has resulted in an air of mysticism around the family. Some believe they have gone into hibernation as their days in the The Icelends, while others think their days are spent in devotion to their gods. Regardless, no one has gotten the courage to attack their keep since its construction, given their divine history. For more information about their land, read: Duerinilar.


The Rimetusk Clan, so far as anyone knows, is an organization with a leader and followers, but no further subdivisions. There are different jobs amongst the family members, but one is not held in higher importance than another.

"Through hoarfrost or stone, trudge never alone"

Political, Family
Ruling Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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