Mayjho Species in Lainshoa | World Anvil


These are a very short being, living mostly in very isolated areas and high up in mountain ranges. The may be found in The Great Rages, The Minor Rages, Effuilaq, Ækstan Isle, in some remote areas of the Shadow Mountains, or in Fonce Enfir Collines. They are furred, with little hair about the facial area. They have excellent vision and hearing and are able to see well in the dark. The colours of their fur vary, with white or silver being common, as are blondes and pale browns. It is rare that one will see a completely black or dark Mayjho. Some may have a sandy and/or rusty-red coloured fur, but these are not as rare as the dark furred Mayjho. Mayjho rarely wear any clothes, and if they do so, it is likely to be a pack, assorted belts and sashes with attached pouches or a cloak. Footwear is also extremely rare and is only ever worn in extreme conditions.  

Mayjho Society

is mostly anarchical. There are select portions of it that have strict rules — the wizards. The Mayjho people do not believe in harming others, unless they are given absolutely no other choice. Because of their peaceful beliefs, they tend to be poor warriors. They are very good at avoiding conflict, however. Their hunting is restricted to what they catch in hunting teams, small game, and traps they will set. The power of their wizards is mythical. Only the Fairie (including Ælfs) and gods are more powerful.

The Mayjho live in villages, where they come together for hunting groups, social gatherings (of which there are a lot), and protection. Being a small race, gathering in large numbers aids in protecting them from predators, both animal and not. There is a tale of a human town that hunted Mayjho for their fur. This went on for some time, until the Mayjho finally became so upset they decided to fight back. The town, all its occupant and their belongings, plus anyone who visited it for the next few years, disappeared. None were ever seen again. After the conflict, the Mayjho returned to their peaceful, frolicking ways, which bear little resemblance to order of Human society.

Their councils, if they may be called such, consist of everyone who shows up to the gatherings. Age is not much of a consideration in advice, although the wizards are often heeded most. This may be because of their patience, and the fact that few other Mayjho ever learn to write. Such gatherings decide when a village need be moved, if they should begin trade with a new group of Humans (or Jarai, or whatever), to disperse communal food and property, to pay respects to a deceased individual, or any number of other reasons. Largely these gatherings are social, and if they are of a major importance, nothing is likely to be decided soon, as it may take days just to get enough people to pay attention to the matter, then it may take several more hours (or days) to reach a consensus. It may seem as if these people are apathetic to many things, yet they aren’t, they just react different than Humans are used to.

The Mayjho are taught to never harm another unless necessary (i.e. animals for food), not to interfere with the actions of others, so long as they do not bring harm to yourself or others, and to protect the weaker members of their own society. Profit and material goods are not understood by the Mayjho. They own little other than their tools and homes. And these are often temporary, seen as easily replaced and communal property. Their only concept of property seems to be such that only wizards touch wizards’ stuff, just as only a hunter needs bother with spears and traps and nets. Mayjho do not “steal” in a human sense of the word. They may move or temporarily become enamoured with an object but will only bother with it if someone else is not using it. And they will not remove items from another’s home. For many outsiders, it would seem as if the Mayjho kept their homes extremely ordered, for if they didn’t keep track of the items they need and use, they would soon disappear or be thrown away. Some players may think a Mayjho would make an ideal thief, because of their size and racial abilities, but their society is counter to this entire concept — even such a thing as stealing a mug or silver from an inn would be considered very bad manners, as it interferes with another’s livelihood.

Mayjho wizards always train under someone more powerful than themselves. This training is extremely rigorous, and the often must prove themselves for as much as two decades or more before being given any true wizardry training. For this reason, there are few Mayjho who have the patience to become wizards. Mayjho are not a patient people, as they prefer to indulge in immediate pleasures too much. Those Mayjho who do become wizards are often amongst the most patient, relaxed people in the known world. Few Ælfs are even this patient, and they are usually wizards, too. Note that Mayjho cannot learn witchcraft.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivorous, but prefer meat.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Mayjho can see in low light conditions, thus better than humans. They can also hear better than any other intelligent species.
Average Height
Typically 80 - 100 cm.
Average Weight
40 - 64 kg


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