Kingdom of Ækstan Organization in Lainshoa | World Anvil

Kingdom of Ækstan

This is the heart of the Ækstan Empire, with the City of Ækstan as its seat of power. The city itself is made up of seven layers, rising up a mountain, where the topmost layer is the grand castle of the empress. This is the wealthiest and most protected area of the city. Protected on one side by the mountain itself and on the other by great walls and the layers of the city, it has never been invaded or conquered by a foreign force.
As each layer of the city grows outward and down the mountain, there is a separating fortified structure, including a great wall and several gates through which one must have the status and right to pass. Each circle closer to the palace has within it a progressively wealthier neighbourhood, with the wealthiest being directly outside of the palace walls itself. Only the wealthiest or most affluent individuals can pass within this area.   Each area has its own small council that may present disputes once a month to the empress directly. These would only be the most difficult or prestigious cases in the ward. In addition, each area has its own police force or guard, all of whom are under the guidance of the imperial guard.   There is also an order within the guilds of the kingdom. Each guild has its own symbol and council, which controls those who are permitted to trade and practise within the kingdom. Since most people are illiterate, there has been a system established throughout the years that shows one’s status as plain as the skin on your arms. The forearms, that is. The guilds have come up with a tattoo system that is used according to rank and skill tested within the guilds. These are comprised of one to eight tattoos on the person’s forearms; the right arm being the primary trade, the left being the secondary trade, if there is one. This tattoo system also makes the jobs of the gate watch easier, as those who have eight tattoos are permitted into any of the five outer layers of the city and must only present papers and so-forth to go into the sixth circle or the palace itself. This has led to some people trying to forge such tattoos, and if anyone is caught in such a forgery they are not only subject to imperial justice but also that of the guild. Such forgery means extremely severe punishments!   The military might of Ækstan is very large, particularly their navy. Being largely an empire of islands, with only one kingdom on the mainland (Shoa’s End), and that being a peninsula, this has become a matter of necessity. The only ones who have been able to hinder them are the Mizaræ pirates. These pirates have never invaded Ækstan, but they do occasionally strike against traders and are a nuisance to the navy in that respect.   Since the largest part of Ækstan’s military might is on the sea, it is uncommon to witness the soldiers in more than light armour, and their cavalry forces are poor when compared to most others. But, they are very capable at siege and naval battle. And since siege is the main part of warfare, they are a force that frightens many.   There have been instances of piracy by human privateers, all of who have been severely dealt with and made extreme examples of in any part of the kingdom!
Ækstan is ruled by a queen who is also the empress of the Empire of Ækstan. This is a hereditary title that is passed to the child of the ruler's choice. Often this ruler is not the eldest, as the most competent of the children is chosen and the rest are given diplomatic or military posts, according to their aptitude.
Controlled Territories


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