Basileia Veta Palladius Character in Korinthos | World Anvil
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Basileia Veta Palladius

History of the Basileia

Basileia Veta Palladius, once wife to Basileus Felix Palladius III, is the current empress of Korinthos. Under her watchful eye, The Augustana Revolts were brought to a close, reconstruction of the Praetorian Wall has begun, The Fort City of Icarus has been reinforced and expanded, and efforts have been made to reclaim Thakuria. She is, by many accounts, a far better emperor than her husband ever was. By many other accounts, she is cruel and cunning. The Three Circles, in particular, have suffered much at her hand as she has used many of their loaned funds to complete her projects and payment remains forthcoming. Though she appears to be honest and good for her word, rumors have spread of a potential embargo later this year 955 AH. No real substance has been lent to these claims, but time will tell.  

The Empress's Force of Character

The Basileia is a unique character. Risen to the side of Basaileus Felix Palladius from the lowly rank of actress, she stood faithfully by his side throughout all that Felix saw fit to do for himself. Through the shameless debaucheries that took place in the palace in Midas to the fruitless spending on bathhouses and wine vineyards, Veta never spoke ill of her husband. Her calm loyalty drew many followers to her and many sought her ascension to the throne, to aid in the guidance of Felix's heirs, Titus and Octavia. Veta, however, refused all of these requests and even had potential conspirators outed and thrown into prison. Veta's life, however, is not without rumor or deceit. It is rumored that she stood as one of the hands that passed the poison to the assassin who murdered Felix's brother, Octanus, and lead to Felix becoming the heir to the throne. It is also rumored that her hand ultimately brought The Augustana Revolts to an end, when she ordered, as her first act as Basileia, that the rioters be decimated by The Korinthian Guard. She did, however, see that the heads of the revolts, Aurelia and Thaddeus, were hung like her husband and then desecrated and strung up outside the walls where they still hang to this day. Her loyalty is certainly fierce, but her vengeance is thorough.  

Children of the Purple

Titus and Octavia are, by all accounts, mirror images of their parents. Titus presents all the wanton ease and witty humor of Felix, while Octavia is cool and calculated as Veta. Together, they have been seen outwitting the other palace children and being vengeful in their retributions. Titus, though indulgent, takes his studies seriously and appears to be more willing to take up the mantle as heir to the throne than his father was. Octavia, though cool and calculating, has shown a fierce compassion for her brother and cruelty beyond that of even her mother. Together, they make a dangerous pair, and Veta seems nothing but proud of them.
Current Location
Date of Birth
32nd of Valentus.
Circumstances of Birth
Lowly, born to paupers and risen to Empress.
Emerald Green
Long, Sleek, Raven Black with elements of interwoven Silver.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
145 lbs


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