Jarvnidartre Building / Landmark in Kohtalo | World Anvil


Saying that the Jarvnidartre is the smallest world tree is sort of like calling Chef the least magical being living in Hell's Half-Acre. Perspective is important.
— Jasper Cameron, Leader of the Bronze Ravens.
  Jarvnidartre, sitting nestled in the Sapphire Sands on the far side of the Myrdhor Desert is one of the most brilliant sights that one can see. Silhouetted against the Outh Mountains, as the first rays of sun reach its leaves of brilliant purple and illuminte the iron grey of its trunk and branches it seems at once the most solid thing for miles around and as fragile as a mirage. This, of course, is when one views it from a distance. Up close there can be no doubt that it is a World Tree. Resembling most a gigantic purple-leafed Ironwood tree, it shares its sky-scraping size and far reaching branches with all its kin.   LIke some other desert plants, although unlike the desert ironwood it most resembles, the Jarvnidartre has a curious habit. Once 7 years, the tree will bloom, though what purpose this serves as no seeds are produced still remains a mystery. Then as the flowers fade away a single branch will begin to shed its leaves, and then its bark, until finally the whole branch is bare, then with a tumultuous crash it shall fall, dead from the tree, signaling the budding of new flowers and the start of the cycle.   The leaves, bark and wood are all highly sought after materials by craftsmen the world over, as it is the only World Tree to give said materials up regularly. Of course, only those willing and able to race The Ghostwalker Dwarves to the bounty are able to collect. Curiously enough, as each fall is treated like a new vein of ore, should you be able to beat the dwarves to it they consider your bounty fairly won and will let you keep it. For a percentage they will even help you transport it as far as the edge of the Sapphire Sands. Good luck getting it across the rest of the desert or mountains on your own though.   As one of the World Trees, it is also a fixture across the planes. Being one of the only places that planar travel is reliable on our world, should you open a portal under its branches to any other plane, you shall emerge on that plane beneath its version of Jarvnidartre. Now doing is considered one of the highest crimes by the Ghostwalkers and the entire clan will declare a blood fuede against you, but if you are willing to risk it you can be assured of you location on the plane you are traveling to. Just have a further escape planned, as planar travel is no guarauntee that the Ghostwalkers will not catch you.
Alternative Names
The Iron Tree
Parent Location


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