Torfi Thorstar Character in Kobos | World Anvil

Torfi Thorstar

Brother Torfi Thorstar

"My people are suffering. Who are my people, you ask? Humanity. We are all one people."   ~Torfi Thorstar

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Torfi is sickly and flabby. He has a raw, fresh scar on his neck where he stood in Oskar Bürkli's way.

Physical quirks

Torfi has signs of Mutations from a regular diet of conjured food.

Apparel & Accessories

Torfi wears plain, brown Murlynd Robes

Specialized Equipment

Torfi has little to his name except his clothing and his Murlynd's Wand.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Torfi was born as the middle son of a Jarl. Despite the fact that he was gifted his first sword at the tender age of six, he was always more interested in books. His Becoming had him on a ship's crew sailing to raid an island populated by Kua-Toa. While the rest of the raiders were busy looting the offerings and treasuries of the natives, Torfi returned with a sack full of books. He was punished for his 'failure' for three days until his father sold the books for thousands in profit.   Torfi was adopted back into his birth family and left to apprentice at the Golden Tower. While there, he was recruited into the Murlynd Charitable Society and left before his studies were complete to help the downtrodden. His journey quickly led him to Port Hugo, and he formed a ring of volunteers to help the people of the twin cities.


Torfi has unrequited and unexplored feelings for Midja Bürkli.


Torfi is trained in swordsmanship, but has little interest in it.    He was an Apprentice rank when he left the Golden Tower.


Torfi occupies his time with assisting the poor and opposing the Knights of Scarroh.

Failures & Embarrassments

Torfi recently lost most of his volunteers to a pogrom conducted by the Knights of Scarroh. The Reverent Chapel that he had been operating out of is now a blasted shell, and he has had to flee to Port Hugo and place himself under the direct protection of Midja Bürkli. While he still maintains a small band of volunteers that still operate out of the ruins, he himself rarely ventures into Oskar's.

Mental Trauma

Torfi is having a hard time dealing with his pacifist nature and the deaths of his volunteers.

Intellectual Characteristics

Torfi is Phlegmatic, thoughtful but clever.

Morality & Philosophy

Torfi is a Motivist


Torfi has sworn a vow of peace.

Personality Characteristics


Torfi wants to improve the world.

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws



Using a Prestidigitation cantrip, Torfi keeps himself clean, but on principle keeps his scent neutral.


Family Ties

Torfi is a scion of Clan Thorstar, a prominent family of the Northrealm.

Religious Views

Torfi is a Devoted Reverent


Torfi has tried hard over the years to ditch his Northern accent. He has mostly succeeded, but will sometimes slip back under stress.

Wealth & Financial state

Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Journeyman of the Murlynd Charitable Society.
Year of Birth
961 Y 34 Years old
Current Residence
Scraggly brown and balding
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Waxy, Gray
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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