Hugon Murlynder Outpost Building / Landmark in Kobos | World Anvil

Hugon Murlynder Outpost

"Those mutantmakers are like rats. Burn out one nest and six more pop up. Unlike rats, the gritters unfortunately don't eat them."   ~Oskar Bürkli, Sheriff of Sacqueline

Purpose / Function

The Murlynders seek to feed the poor, and most of Port Hugo is poor.


The mostly empty lot that the Murlynders took over for use was once a well appointed home. They used what they could of the bricks and cast-off lumber to create an awning. Stilted beds provide rest for the volunteers themselves as well as any homeless that may need them. These cots are anchored in soft, wet ground, and can become unusable during flooding.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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