Thet Hyje

"Thet Hyje has been translated several ways by the Je'akine that follow it. The movement and the philosophy are so old that there are natural schisms that have grown over time.   The M'nije'ak (Blood Warriors) know it as The Long, Hard March. They focus on the peace time duties of the Je'akine; promoting law and order, opposing evil where it can be found, and building a better future for further generations.   The Gnoje'ak (Rage Warriors) call it The Old Warrior's Way, and emphasize the martial portions of the philosophy and exercise regimen. They emphasize eternal readiness should the masters return, up to and including getting involved in any given conflict as a means of preparing themselves for the final wars.   The Nije'ak (Mournful Warriors) swear by The Deep Time Crusade. They recognize that the time of Grimhii is over and focus on recalling the histories of the Je'akine throughout time. They often wind up being Tomb Robbers and Archaeologists, putting their warrior training into dungeon delving.   The N'gaje'ak (Serene Warriors) consider no alternative to their translation, The Ancient Struggle, and to them it is unquestionably a philosophy of stoicism and laconic attitudes.   The Nuje'ak (Sleeping Warriors) whisper its name as The Secret Forever War. These warriors do not flaunt or display their prowess if it can be avoided, and view the strictures of the Thet Hyje as instructions for partisanship. One day, they swear, the old masters are coming back, and then they'll be ready in unexpected places and unexpected numbers.   While exact translations vary sometimes even wildly, the core of the Thet Hyje remain the same. They are a philosophy expressed as The Final Commands.   1) In times of peace, be ready in body and mind for war. 2) In times of war, be ready for death. 3) In death, be ready to sell your life dearly. 4) In victory honor your betters. 5) In defeat recriminate yourself.   The text is then devoted to body exercises, Majokuh weapon forms, and tactics and strategy."   ~Grandmaster Jeren, of the Gold Tower


The Thet Hyje extends as far back as the initial raising and training of the original Haerkuh Je'ak. While their exact usage was unknown, it is known from the tales that they were an integral part of the armies of Grimhii around the same time that the scalykind were fielding vast armies of lizardfolk. To this day, the Je'ak view lizardfolk as their traditional enemies.   When the empire fell, the legends say that individual Je'akine commanders held civilization together in their own little corners for a time, but these states warred with each other incessantly and proved to be easy prey for the dragons at the depth of their degeneration. The Je'akine hid their teachings and their Heirlooms, waiting for a time when they could once again fight the dragons. They fought next to Iliac and his Balatari with heroism and valor against the Old Foe.   With their place in Maecodian society secure, they were free to continue their traditions unabated ever since.


Most of the kit used by the Ja'ek is unbelievably ancient. Many are from the very first crop of Ja'ekine warriors, passed down the generations with the teaching. When a warrior is ready to retire, he must take an apprentice, adopting them as their own or (ideally) choosing from among their own offspring. The young one must be raised as a warrior and when the time is right they will inherit their old master's gear upon adulthood. If a Ja'ek comes across a lost or abandoned Majokuh, it is their duty to find and train a new wielder for it. This is true even of war trophies wrested from fallen duelists or enemy infantry.   If no weapon is visible, one Ja'ekine warrior will greet one they suspect of being another with, "The Old Ways are truest." To which the challenged will respond, "I remember the Old Ways." This same ritual is observed during sparring meets or other gatherings.

Components and tools

The Ja'ekine train extensively in the use of their Heirlooms


An old warrior training a youth is known as Det-ja'ek. The youth is known as Saty-ja'ek.


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