Othar Cerenshew Character in Kobos | World Anvil

Othar Cerenshew

Baron Othar Cerenshew (a.k.a. Beans)

"Othar is a man with the mind of a warrior and the body of a poet."   ~Abide Baht Mig, of Abide and Seak's Bizarre Bazaar

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Othar was born to the influential Cerenshew Family, the most influential clan in Llanfyll. He was raised in luxury but instilled with ambition by his mother. He was middling in his studies, only really showing any notable talent in military strategy. Consequently, he was given as a lad to become a squire in the Opaline Corps.   For his Becoming, he was assigned to accompany a company of the Corps against a bandit camp that had swelled to dangerous levels. He got his chance to fight during a withdrawal action, volunteering for the rearguard. Her was nearly crippled by the experience, but along with his companions the stand they made lasted long enough for the safe repositioning of the company and they were ultimately victorious.   Unable to continue a military career due to his injuries and general lack of talent for fighting, he set his sights on the Barony. His family was already prominent enough to have a representative in the Congress of Merchants. His competition for the Barony in the year he decided to put his name forward was the equally influential Bokorone Family. It's an open secret that his method of eliminating the competition was to simply hire a cell of the Strigian Men to wipe out the heads of the Bokorone, reducing their status entirely.


Othar is a cad, and the rumor is that he's not particularly picky.


As a wealthy Fyllian, Othar was afforded the finest tutors.   He was not enthusiastic nor particularly skilled.


Othar did a stint in the Opaline Corps, and then acted for a few years as a prominent socialite in Fyllian society. Eventually, his ambition took over his life and he maneuvered into the Barony at an unusually early age.

Intellectual Characteristics

Othar is a strategist, but not a quick thinker or tactician.

Morality & Philosophy

As a Consequentialist, Othar is very good at using small actions to make big changes.
Year of Birth
965 Y 30 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Othar was born to a family of Plutarchs
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, the Old Tongue


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