Kenir Duppidvoup Organization in Kobos | World Anvil

Kenir Duppidvoup (kun-EER DOOP-pid-VOO)

"The Kenir Duppidvoup is the ultimate expression of my ambition, a force that binds the multiverse together through the spectrum of conflict." ~Ulsaruk Sahdiopenzith

Demography and Population

Chromatic dragons exist in large numbers. They rule over younger dragons, and war internally over territory, livestock and wealth. Beneath them are the Scalykind, who live in a brutal serfdom tied down to the land and worshipping the dragons as near gods. Living in small segregated enclaves are other races. These Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Gnomes live in a brutal slavery with no rights where death is around every corner, possibly for no other reason than recreation.


Kenir Duppidvoup is served by a feudal military structure, which leans heavily on conscripts to ensure numeral superiority.


Worship of Tiamat is strictly enforced, and refusing a sacrament or flubbing a creed is enough reason for a gruesome execution.


Laws in Kenir Duppidvoup are organized by species.

Agriculture & Industry

Sahdiopenzith has delegated absolute power of her resource collection to, of all things, a human named Wieza Neorana. Wieza reads the census and the accounting books meticulously and sends out demands for supplies or goods to those that 'owe' it. She treats humans the harshest, keeping them at near starvation levels even in times of plenty.

Trade & Transport

Trade is overseen by a council of ancient blue dragons that are glorified privateers and extortion artists. They were given the position after the Yellow Dragons fled the Hatibahu Scet.

All For the Queen

Founding Date
Age of Mythology
Alliance, Military
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Major Exports
While Shelor is resource rich, Sahdiopenzith insists on charging scarcity prices for those resources. She rarely allows the goods of her craftsmen to leave her shores, preferring instead to deal in raw or refined goods.
Major Imports
The primary import of Kenir Duppidvoup is coin. As a despotism run by dragons, coin and other treasures that are valuable for their agreed-on value in other cultures is a real, tangible and necessary for dragons. They bring in coin from the other continents, either through direct imports or through cutouts where chromatic dragons aren't welcome enough to establish trade agreements.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
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