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Magic Mold

A first it was ignored. Magic wielders would avoid the places where it grew without knowing why their ability was weakened or temporary disappeared in the area. As people grew wiser about which places to ignore, the usually static creatures started to slowly track and follow them. Some starved in the way, but many managed to found the right cities.   The first local scientists to take interest in the phenomena were the medics, who tried to find the substance that was causing the loss of magical abilities. The physicists joined soon, fearing some sort of damage in the natural flow of energy.  
They didn't manage to make the connection between that matter and the new "plant" that botanists had noticed in the affected cities.   It wasn't until a year later that a biologist named Lorivean determined that the strange roots weren't the remains of a sick plant from unknown species, but an animal.   He registered the species in Yaeysavo's Archive, under the name of Magic Mold, because of his appearance (roots affected by mold) and feeding habits (magic).
Let me get this straight. The thing is neither magical... nor mold? Is it too late to call the guys at The Archive and change the name?
— Lorivean's best friend, when he first heard about the species.
  The creature was considered the most dangerous animal in the Discovery Age, because they thought it ate magic itself. Currently, it's known that it only eats the energy resulting from the attempts of magic use. For this reason, it's safe to keep it in controlled environments, to purposely stop the use of magic in there.

Basic Information


A boneless creature that looks like a mold affected root. Color and thickness varies according to environment, but the hidden legs (from 50 to 500 depending on age and variety) are often a dark shade of yellow.
While the legs may sometimes be used for movement, they are mostly receptors destined to perceive vibrations and gather magic, oxygen or zadbvio. While those receptors are specialized, they may change its functionality when needed. The rest of the body works as a combination of camouflage, protection and a decentralized nervous system.

Biological Traits

There is still some controversy on the life span of the Magic Mold in the wild, because it's hard to determine due to its way of reproduction. The standard accepted by the Enlightened Worlds Community  is to consider that only the separated specimen is a new creature, but Yaeysavo's Archive and The Scientific Division of the Eight Worlds consider that every change in the growth pattern marks a new creature.   In controlled environments, there is no change in the growth pattern before a partition, and according to studies carried in several prison's magic cells, the life expectancy is of two years in water and twenty two out of it.

Additional Information


The Magic Mold is not a domestic animal, but their eating habits are useful for those who need to prevent the use of magic. The creatures don't cause any damage to the ability or the energy itself, but they absorb any manifestation of them, as well as the dormant energy in the link between the wielder and the magic.

It's not difficult to keep the creatures healthy, and they don't even move often.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Native from Yaeysavo, the species is currently extinct in that world.
It has been exported to different worlds or countries where some people are able to use magic but others don't, Gehi in particular. Most prisons managed by the Community had at least one colony of this species.

Discovered by
Lorivean (968 of Discovery)
Originary from
  Local Scientific Classification
Category: Dangerous Worm
Name: Magic Mold  
Standard Classification of Species
An-Inv-Par-Sl D968.1259

Conservation Status
Due to its diet, this creature is usually exterminated or the area is abandoned by those who could provide it of sustenance.


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Sep 19, 2021 09:57 by Annie Stein

Such an interesting take on a working animal, and the unique take on an anti-magic field of sorts! Great work!

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!