Kingdom of america 1802
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Chancellor John Marshall quickly enacts an executive order blocking enforcement of the remaining clauses of the Alien and Sedition Acts, and pardoning all those prosecuted under it. His standing with Libertarians increase.
  Elbridge Gerry begins to formulate a larger power to the office of the PotS. He removes the standing rule of disallowing the position to engage in and direct debate, force a vote on legislation, and brings a more hands on role in Senate duties. This move is controversial, but allows for the Marshall-Gerry objectives to be passed more quickly.
  Formal Coronation of Augustus I takes place, and shortly thereafter former King Henry I passes away. A large funeral is held in his remembrance.
  Prince Louis Ferdinand is proclaimed the first Crown Prince and Heir Apparent. Both Princes contribute to the arts as well, bolstering the Royal American Cultural Archives, as well as visit and inspect both military academies. From this, moderates from the Libertarian and Republican parties grow in approval of the increasing Royal Family.
  For leadership during the war against Napoleon as the first war America had fought, King Augustus grants John Adams the Dukedom of Massachusetts.
  In keeping with cooperations between the Federalists and the Libertarians, Marshall recommends James Monroe to the appointment of Diplomat to Britain, seeking to secure better North American continental relations against France and Spain. During a meeting between Marshall, Monroe, and Augustus I, Prince Augustus meets Elizabeth Monroe and becomes impressed with her intelligence and mannerisms. Eliza reciprocates, and the two begin a courtship. James Madison is accepted to the position by Augustus I.
  Military actions begins against the Barbary states as piracy becomes an increasing issue in the Mediterranean. American naval power continues to be respected on the world scale, though its size and capability is still dwarfed by that of the European Great Powers.
  Marshall seeks to pass infrastructure bills to construct national roads and canals to further increase trade income, but the low number of supporting Federalists in Congress makes it difficult. A deal is made with the Libertarians to pass the bills in exchange for support repealing the mandatory military service. The draft, however, remains in place.

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