
Nephilim are the offspring of archangels and human mortals. In order to destroy early religions that worshipped the angels as gods, God granted the archangels the ability to father children with mortal women - though they quickly learned they could father children with other mortals, which created species such as hellhounds and merfolk. This led to the nephilim, who were used as prophets to ignite new religions that would worship only God, and those who would continue promoting and fighting for these new religions in holy wars and by committing other violences. Over time, nephilim have had other purposes, such as fighting demons and helping the mortal world.

Basic Information


The nephilim take on the human characteristics of their mothers and appear with all characteristics of able-bodied mortal humans because of the outdated angelic ideals of human perfection.

Genetics and Reproduction

Because of their human mothers, the nephilim are able to reproduce, with humans or archangels. The children of those who do are completely mortal, but the angelic magic passes down through the bloodline.

Growth Rate & Stages

The nephilim grow and age like mortal humans. The only unique aspect is that they come into their angelic abilities at the age of thirty and live to an average of 120 years.

Biological Cycle

Originally, as nephilim became adults, they would begin working miracles and spreading messages about God taught to them by their angelic guides. Those who don't spread religious messages today begin doing other work at that age, either to fight demons or do the most good possible in the world. After living a mortal lifetime devoted to this work, they are reborn in new bodies like other mortals.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The nephilim were created explicitly to create and destroy monotheistic religions that focus only on God and no other deity. They are used to establish and further various religions through sparking violence and holy wars in order for one religion to ultimately win out. As time has passed, others have been born for other purposes to benefit the world, instead of merely to push religious messages.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The nephilim have appeared globally throughout time.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All of the nephilim have some level of magical ability granted to them through their fathers, the archangels. These powers give them the ability to supposedly perform miracles and/or charm followers into joining them. Nephilim do not fully come into these powers until the age of thirty.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

Nearly all monotheistic religions have prophets and significant supporters who were nephilim. Often the fact that they were not mortal humans goes unnoticed in religious histories and holy texts.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Human x Archangel
120 years

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