Vasindra Alas'thil

Vasindra Alas'thil

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  Vasindra Alas'thil was the matron of House Alas'thil and the mother of Nivinle Alas'thil, Aniks Aliforn, Vasestra Alas'thil, and Rikzyr Alas'thil. Her first consort, Alaran Alas'thil, attempted to take his children and flee when they were young, leaving her with no choice but to attempt to see her traitorous partner dead. Her second consort, Kalin Alas'thil, was far more obedient.   She was a cold and rarely present mother who allowed her children to largely be raised by their trainers, only taking strong personal interest in her eldest daughter, who she took for her own guard. As matron, she ruled House Alas'thil with an iron grip and a complete lack of compassion. She took dangerous and daring contracts, and allowed her House's fame to spread through their varied successes. Any who challenged the interests of her House were swiftly and painfully dealt with.   She was killed by Nivinle when Nivinle deemed her mother's leadership to have no proven benefits over her own, and was promptly thus succeeded by her daughter.


Vasindra Alas'thil


Towards Alaran Alas'thil

Alaran Alas'thil


Towards Vasindra Alas'thil

Vasindra Alas'thil


Towards Kalin Alas'thil

Kalin Alas'thil


Towards Vasindra Alas'thil

Chaotic Evil
5360 EA 5623 EA 263 years old
Circumstances of Death
Dealt with by her eldest daughter, Nivinle Alas'thil.
Alaran Alas'thil (spouse)
Kalin Alas'thil (spouse)

Cover image: Istralar Generic Header by Hanhula (ft. photos from Phil Botha, Jonny McKenna, and Luca Bravo)


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