Sarah von Eckehart

Sarah von Eckehart

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  Sarah von Eckehart was the wife of Silas von Eckehart, and a well-respected noblewoman in Gothadrun from a good family. She was born as Sarah von Hebenstreitin, a human daughter of a wealthy doctor and her bureaucrat husband.   Her parents did not approve of Silas, and did not attend her wedding; her family were distraught that she had fallen for this dhampir, and feared for her health. She was, however, happy, and her husband assisted her work as a beginning medical student with magical aids. These would later come in very useful for their three children: Ulfric, Adelmar, and Viktoria.   Things changed when the children were around. Gothadrun had begun to become unsafe, with riots in the capital claiming the life of Silas's father, and so the family decided to seclude themselves largely to Eckehart Mansion. Sarah and her two eldest would venture out regularly, but Silas and Viktoria remained inside for their own safety. Silas kept an eye out, always ready to rescue his family if need be, but trouble never came.   At least - not until Sarah had gone some towns away to visit with her family. She did not return from her visit, and it wasn't until much later that her mother led a procession to the mansion's gates to present Silas with her daughter's ashes. The burgomeister of their town had pulled Sarah up on charges of diabolism and witchcraft, and no amount of diplomacy nor money could have saved her.   Things only grew worse for Sarah after her death. As her children suffered in her absence, themselves being claimed from life by the grasping claws of the fey, her husband spiralled. He cut the mansion from the Material Plane, and would later resurrect Sarah as an undead abomination - something akin in nature to a phoenix, recalling to mind the torturous manner in which she was killed. Her younger two children, Adelmar and Viktoria, were too twisted by Silas's desperation to save them - turned into ghosts, and bound to the Mansion. Ulfric, her oldest, was instead warped by the fey into a terror of shadow.   The Lost Ones would find Sarah's twisted flame guarding Silas's innermost sanctum, and sent her to her rest. They saved Ulfric in their time there, but had not the knowledge, power, or time to free Viktoria or Adelmar - and so whilst two of the family were freed, the youngest children remained trapped.


Silas von Eckehart


Towards Sarah von Eckehart

Sarah von Eckehart


Towards Silas von Eckehart

5165 EA 5210 EA 45 years old
Aligned Organization
Sarah's Death by Hanhula (via Midjourney)

Cover image: Istralar Generic Header by Hanhula (ft. photos from Phil Botha, Jonny McKenna, and Luca Bravo)


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