Emperor Asterion of Aletheia Character in Istralar | World Anvil

Emperor Asterion of Aletheia

Emperor Asterion of Aletheia

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  Emperor Asterion of Aletheia was the reigning emperor of the Aletheian Empire from 5520 after his mother, Amala of Aletheia, stepped down due to health concerns. His reign ended in 5625 in the War of Empires, in circumstances not yet fully known to outsiders; it is presumed that a foul injury he took on the battlefield led to his end, given the Medimians' use of hopesbane.   To those in the know, Emperor Astarion met his end willingly on the blade of his heir, Aneirin 'Cyne' of Aletheia. His body had been failing him for some time, and he wished to leave his Empire in strong hands so as not to allow the Medimians any opportunity to take advantage of his demise. White-faced, Cyne laid his grandfather to rest in one final sacrifice for his nation, and took the throne to see their people safe.   Like most of his family, Asterion was an aasimar. He trained as a paladin occasionally through life, but his skills on the battlefield were more akin to those of a cavalier. He was a wise and kind leader viewed well by nobles, but often allowed injustice and inequality to bloom in the corners of his reach and certainly did little to aid the plight of most affected by things such as racism or even slavery.


Emperor Asterion of Aletheia


Towards Theresa of Aletheia

Theresa of Aletheia


Towards Emperor Asterion of Aletheia

Previously Held Ranks & Titles
5364 EA 5625 EA 261 years old
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Cover image: Istralar Generic Header by Hanhula (ft. photos from Phil Botha, Jonny McKenna, and Luca Bravo)


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