The Luminous Vale Geographic Location in Isera | World Anvil
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The Luminous Vale


Surrounded in the west, north and east by the great reaches of the Terga Draconis, and south beyond the Serpent Lake, lies The Agari Jungle . The Black Bog stretches out to the west, and in the east, the Shimmering Wastes blocks off the sea, and the ocean paths to The Badlands.

Fauna & Flora

The luminous vale has a great diversity of flora and fauna, with the fjord having perfect conditions in various parts of it for a multitude of creatures and plant types. This is only emphasized by the infusion of magic that the unfettering has started to unleash upon the land. The area is most known for its griffons and wild horses.

Natural Resources

The luminous vale have perfect conditions for farming crops, and have a limitless supply of clean running water.
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
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