The Shaewood Geographic Location in Isera | World Anvil
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The Shaewood

The Shaewood is divided into five territories controlled by different tribes of Urishol.   The Mountain Keepers of Moondoria in the north-west are in charge of mediation to the Heart, and the western border.   The Shieldguard of Eryndal in the north are in charge of the northern border, and in recent months have also migrated south to Formen, pushing the Coursers north into the Heart, and taking over protection of the Southern Border.    The Coursers of Formen  were in charge of the southern border, and were the most militaristic of the Urishol factions in the Shaewood. They have been pushed north by the Shieldguard, and now reside in the Heart.    The Grovekeepers of Amrun, charged with protecting the inner sanctum of the Heart and the Forefather grove, are a mostly neutral faction, and is usually where older Urishol retire to, to live out the rest of their years. Their younger military core is a group of volunteers from other tribes, and are called the Shriven  The Shriven accept Urishol from anywhere, and often their ranks are filled with elves wishing to be free from the shackles of their previous life and expectations. Historically, criminals have been given the chance to join the Shriven in penance, which is what gives them their name.   The Heart is neutral territory, considered autonomous by the Urishol. Within it lies the Forefather Grove, and none may enter without the blessings of the elders of at least two tribes.


The Urishol have made sure to keep the forest from spreading too fast, for purposes of control. The forests stretches from the Shining Peaks in the west to the Dragontail mountains in the east.

Fauna & Flora

The dense foliage of this ancient wood keeps its undergrowth in in constant shelter from the sun. The Urishol of the Shaewood have protected the area from forest fire for so long, that only a couple of hardy species of trees live there now, their huge roots blanketing the earth. No traditional undergrowth lives in the majority of the forest, and the forest floor is mostly dominated by a large variety of mushrooms. Some of these mushrooms have different forms of bio-luminescence, and some are even rumored to use said bio-luminescence to predate on animals.
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