King Omund Bluffs Geographic Location in Isera | World Anvil
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King Omund Bluffs

Northeast of the great city of Rydia, beyond the farmlands surrounding Valna, great bluffs rise in the eastern part of the Luminous Plains.   It is there that the apex predator of the plains makes their home. The griffons of King Omunds Bluffs defend their territory, and their offspring with great ferocity, and as such, entry into the surrounding lands of them is usually heavily cautioned against.   The initiation into the Lion Guard requires each of the perspective knights to brave the bluffs and make it back with an egg in one piece. This egg once hatched will be trained from birth to act as the knights mount.   Griffons are sort of a holy creature to rydians, and they are regarded with a mix of awe, respect and abject terror.
Alternative Name(s)
The Griffon Roost
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