Vathrius Settlement in Irindor | World Anvil


the Capital of the Daitor


primarily human though many elves, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes call this place home as well.


a Monarchy with a council of Nobles to check the power of the king, the king will often control the military provided by his Lords and nobles, but only if those indavidual nobles and lords agree with the action, which they often do as the king has historically kept peace in the region and defended their holds.


the city is well defended by Knightly orders and an impressive army that hones their skills against the orcs to the south and on occasion renegade nobles lords and the Ward during their skirmishes.

Industry & Trade

Vathrius has a grand market where their many artisans create a number of trade goods, its most important trade is food stuffs from their large farming communities in the thundering steppe, which they trade with the Ward for weapons and armor on occasion though most of their trade is done with Highgate, or other kingdoms of the world in Highgate.


the city is built along a river, and has expanded the river to flow around the gates to create a massive mote, the only way in or out the city is through the sewers or across the many drawbridges.


the city is one of the core stopping points along Krogar, serving a similar purpose to Highgate as a nexus of trade though not nearly as important a trade bastion it is still powerful. they also have a significant store of Green Mystrium they have mined from the empty peaks.

Guilds and Factions

a number of Knight orders protect the city, as do the paladins of Ghena. the city has a large and well trained cavalry that help them quickly respond to threats from the orcs to the south or the sometimes overly aggressive warriors of the Ward to the North East.


Vathrius was founded centures after the Long Night, as many were exploaring the vastly new world following the elemental shifts, it started as many settlements do, as a farming community that quickly rose to prominence as they found themselves near the heart of Krogar. as more and more traders came through the town, it grew into a bustling city, and soon a mighty Kingdom was born from the city. Kregnen Daitor, the first king of Vathrius would bind many of the surrounding lesser settlements into his growing kingdom mostly through diplomatic means and on occasion war, leading to a long and violent history between the holds forced into submission.


Vathrius is constructed in traditional human standards, large towers and castles with round peaked tops as well as many smaler square buildings to serve the common folk. these buildings are mostly constructed from wood and stone.


the area immediatly surrounding Vathrias is rolling hills and grassland, with a small mountain range to the north and north west, that cointains a number of small orc tribes, mutants, and other monsterous creatures. the area is temperate, and comfortable during the spring and summer though suffers constant rains through the fall and snow during the winter.

Natural Resources

Vathrius location near fertile farmland, and a rivver that cuts right through the heart of Krogar makes it a valuable posistion in the region. the mountains to the north provide a quarry for stone, and some minor minneral deposits. to the north west, in the empty peaks are rich minneral stores and metal deposits as well as a good deal of Mystrium. there are constant conflicts between the Ward and Daitor over the resources in the Empty Peaks.
Alternative Name(s)
The Heart of Krogar
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

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