Krogar Geographic Location in Irindor | World Anvil


a land of endless possabilities, the many kingdoms of Krogar boast a mixed population of human, gnome, elf, dwarf, all seeking a new life after the Long Night. Krogar is easily the most diverse land in Irindor.


Irindor begins near the northern edge of the world, before the Stormsea swallows the horizion. there the land is cold and frozen similar to the Drow homeland in Ravan, as one travels south the land becomes warmer and more hospitable. south of the Frozen North Krogar has a wide mountain range and stretches of grasslands and forests before reaching the Capital city of Vathrius. further south the thundering steppe is a vast land of rich farming lands that are under constant threat from the Sea of Storms and the orcs of Wolfwood.

Fauna & Flora

Krogar has a number of Mystrium mutated Plants and animals that can be very dangerous to the unprepared, traveling in Krogar it is always wise to expect an attack from one of the beasts, or at the very least bandits.

Natural Resources

Krogar has a number of small Mystrium mines throughout the mountains, where it is most heavily populated, though not as numerous as the southern mines. many of the kingdoms and holds fight over ownership and mining rights of the precious material, leading to a number of skirmishes and on occasion war.


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