Lorenzo Rossi Character in Iosis | World Anvil

Lorenzo Rossi

Captain Lorenzo Rossi (a.k.a. Pretty Boy)

Hero, villain, pirate, merchant, friend, enemy, lover, cheat, husband, philanderer, father, murderer. History has a rocky relationship with Lorenzo Rossi. On the one hand, he is a hero who helped destroy the Braris Empire and brought an end to the slave trade altogether. On the other hand, he was a pirate who sank and plundered many a ship.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Has a lean, athletic build with broad shoulders, muscular defined torso, angular hips, long strong arms, and legs. He's incredibly agile and nimble allowing him to easily move up and down riggings and strong enough to carry thick spools of rope and move cannons into place.

Body Features

Dark olive colored skin, made rough from years of sailing and working under the sun. Long, wavy brown hair he usually keeps pulled back into a ponytail that when let down brushes against the small of his back.

Facial Features

He has an angular face with defined cheekbones, round chin, neatly trimmed eyebrows, long lashes, angular nose, and full lips. His facial hair is neatly trimmed, never growing longer than a 5 o'clock shadow.

Identifying Characteristics

Has two silver hoops in his left year and three in his right ear. Covering his left arm and torso is a massive dragon tattoo. On the upper part of his right arm, he has a tattoo of waves and on the lower half, he has a unique tattoo design that represents his wife and children. His torso and neck are covered by a massive tattoo of flowers, falcons and other birds and petals blowing in the wind. Hidden by clothing on his back are nasty looking scars left from Antonio repeatedly whipping and beating him as a child.

Physical quirks

Right-handed. Walks slowly with a swagger that draws the eye and has excellent posture.

Apparel & Accessories

In warm weather, he wears a bright blue open vest that shows off a lot of skin everywhere except his back and simple, narrow cut, black pants without shoes. In colder weather, he wears a long, flashy, red and gold lined cloth coat over a white silk shirt, a dark leather belt with an ornate belt buckle, the same simple, narrow cut, black pants and fancy leather boots.   During all kinds of weather, he wears a necklace with a wolf's claw pendant, another one that had a jeweled cross pendant, and a number of others that are just plain necklace chains. On his fingers, he wears a number of rings of various sizes and metals and on his head he wears colorful headbands.

Specialized Equipment

Lorenzo, like most pirates, wears no armor. He does, however, have a number of blades on him including a rapier, two short swords and a number of daggers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Centuries ago, a boy named Sven was born in the Khia Slums of Carthago Nova. His mother, Cassandra, owed money to a wealthy man named Antonio Savas. Antonio was a cruel and greedy man who came to claim what was owed by Sven's mother, Cassandra, mere days after she'd given birth. When she told him she had nothing to give him, Antonio ordered his guards to take Sven as payment. Cassandra fought, but there was little she could do against five men in armor while still recovering from childbirth and so her son was taken from her.   Sven grew up enslaved to Antonio in one of the most lavish homes within the city. Due to slavery being technically illegal, Antonio made up a story about how he discovered Sven as a baby on his doorstep and out of the goodness of his heart took the boy in. When they were out and about, Antonio reinforced this story he had created by treating the boy like a son but, behind closed doors, Sven lived in fear of the man's incredibly short temper and explosive outbursts. Often, Sven would receive a vicious beating due to someone else angering Antonio. Most of the servants were too afraid to stand up to Antonio because before Sven's arrival they would be the ones to receive a beating. So, typically, none would approach until after Antonio had left Sven unconscious in a pool of his blood where they would bandage his wounds and carry him off to the servants quarters where he slept.

Escape/Birth of Lorenzo

This abuse went on for years until, during a trip to the town square during a celebration, Antonio was beckoned up onto a stage to talk about the wonderful new trade agreement that had just been made. Being unable to come up with a good excuse to keep Sven with him, Antonio asked a stall vendor he knew to keep an eye on the boy. While Antonio was talking, however, the merchant got distracted by a customer and Sven used the opportunity to run. At first, Sven didn't know where he would run to but, as luck would have it, the direction he'd run in took him to the docks where he saw a ship being loaded. Feeling emboldened by his own actions, and dreadfully afraid of what would happen if Antonio caught up to him, Sven stowed away in one of the crates ready to be loaded onto the ship.   The ship, as it happened, was a pirate vessel named Lady's Fortune, owned by the pirate captain Andre Rossi. When Sven was discovered he was dragged in front of the captain, who liked the boldness of the boy enough to keep him on board and ask his name. Sven hesitated for a moment before answering with the name Lorenzo, the name of the stall vendor who's inattentiveness allowed Sven Lorenzo to escape.


Instead of being horrified by what he witnessed on the Lady's Fortune, Lorenzo became more infatuated with the idea of being a pirate. Where others might see the pirates attacking people on a whim, Lorenzo saw the ultimate freedom of choice. Instead of having to walk meekly to keep from drawing any attention himself, the men would walk with such confidence it was almost palpable. The only thing he did not like immediately was the work the made him do; swabbing the deck and working in the kitchen, as it reminded him too much of what Antonio had him do. Soon, he began to enjoy the back-breaking work; an opinion hastened because he was rarely punished for messing up and if he was the punishment rarely involved any hitting. The longer Lorenzo stayed on board and was shown that he could be free and that he did not have to worry about someone controlling his life, the more he began to view Andre as a sort of father figure, going so far as to adopt his surname as his own.   As Lorenzo grew older, Andre taught him how to fight as well as have him work alongside the navigator, quartermaster, and boatswain. Every scrap of knowledge about piracy or how to run a ship, Lorenzo absorbed like a sponge until he knew enough to rival men with over a decade's worth of experience sailing.


Just as Lorenzo was in a position to take over as navigator, disaster struck in the form of a storm that shipwrecked them on the Ingerlin Coastline. Lorenzo, who had been securing the rigging, was thrown overboard when the ship violently turned sideways leaving him with rope burn from his hands sliding along the rope he'd been securing. Washed ashore, Lorenzo was found by a couple of rangers, drawn to his location by Lorenzo's falcon Sani, who brought him to the nearby town of Sison where he spent time recovering and mourning the loss of the only home and family he had ever known.   Upon recovery, Lorenzo left for the nearby city of Thalan where he discovered four other members of the crew, Estelle Fabian, Toni Davi, Emery Notron, and Julio Sáez, had survived but been washed ashore north of him. Unfortunately, none were Andre, his adopted father, and one of them, Julio the quartermaster, had had his leg shattered by debris trapping him against the rock face they'd washed up against and was unable to leave Thalan for the foreseeable future, if ever. Still, Lorenzo took heart in being reunited with the others after thinking he was alone in the world.   With his three able-bodied companions, Lorenzo sat down and began thinking of ways they could earn money to eventually buy them a ship as none of them liked the idea of remaining landlocked and Lorenzo's night terrors, and the ways he tried to avoid them, were beginning to take a toll on him. Unfortunately, the ships at Thalan's tiny port were not looking for more crew members, especially ones that looked sketchy, and none of them were good enough at a craft to be hired at a shop, and they were too small a group to be very skillful at banditry in an unfamiliar land. So, the only avenue left for them was to become mercenaries.


At first, the four pirates turned mercenaries, only received odd jobs, like delivering a package to someone in a nearby village or town or dealing with an infestation of vermin. Eventually, they, ironically, got a job to help two members of the city guard, Verena Tarrant and Grant MacRae, protect a merchant from bandits while he traveled to Rine the kingdom of Ascua's capital. They weren't ambushed by bandits but, they did stop in the town of Aeredale, where the guardsmen knew the local noble family, during a festival. It was at this festival that Lorenzo first met Jenevieve Jenna Loren, daughter of a minor lord in the area.   For the next few years, the pirates continued working as mercenaries, slowly saving up all the money they could while Lorenzo did his best to drown his nightmares using alcohol and sex. The few bright spots during this time for Lorenzo were their little group nearly quintupled in size, allowing them to complete more jobs, and he made a number of dear friends including the Grant, Verena, and Jenna. Then, three years after the shipwreck, Evan Loren, Jenna's father, and a number of other nobles attempted to stage a coup and Lorenzo and company found themselves right in the middle of everything.   The fighting was bloody and prolonged but, eventually, the rebellion was put down but not before a great many lost their lives including Jenna's mother and brother and some of Lorenzo's crew. Jenna's mother and brother were killed right at the beginning as they were guests of House Seyward, the first noble house to fall, when the sneak attack that started the coup occurred. Jenna was initially thought to be working with her father but, after extensive defending from Lorenzo, Verena, Grant, and Lorenzo's crew as well as others who Jenna had helped during the fighting, she was absolved.   The crew, despite having been at the right place at the wrong time, were rewarded greatly for helping break the coup and were rewarded further, this time just in positive reputation, when they helped the cities and towns rebuild. During this time, Verena, Grant, and Jenna became unofficial members of the group, to the point that when the pirates left for Rine to purchase a ship, they tagged along as well.   In Rine, their first stop was the Odyssey Shipyards where the commissioned the building of The Second Lady's Fortune, with Lorenzo providing specific building instructions to either build or improve upon features that had been present in The Lady's Fortune. However, despite paying for it in full, the shipwrights demanded more due to the work they'd put into it. Returning to their roots, Lorenzo and the pirates, including the three newest members (though they needed a fair bit of convincing, snuck on board their ship and stole it. Once they were in open water, they held a vote for who would be captain and Lorenzo was stunned when he was voted unanimously to be captain of the ship and leader of The South Sea Corsairs.

Ship Captain

At first, Lorenzo's reputation as a pirate captain did not grow much as they started out plundering smaller vessels close to shore, never striking in the same area more than once every other month. Part of this was due to the crew getting used to the ship and the actual pirates having to convince the morally upstanding members of the crew to attack a ship. Once Lorenzo laid out a code in writing, and made every member of the crew sign it, they began attacking ships more frequently. This code included giving merchant ships a chance to run after firing off a warning shot and letting everyone who surrendered, who also was not a slaver, live.   As whispers and tales of The Second Lady's fortune and her captain spread through taverns and ports throughout the world, Lorenzo began hearing word that the empire that had done him so wrong as a child was possibly weakening. These tales about Braris grew louder and louder as The South Sea Corsairs grew and grew in reputation and slowly members of Lorenzo's crew became captains of their own ships with their own reputations. Eventually, the only person Lorenzo had traveled with after the shipwreck was his now lover Jenna.   Despite their sometimes conflicting personalities; with Jenna being analytical and a bit of a snob and Lorenzo being easy going and promiscuous as well as his hatred for the nobility they had a strong relationship that resulted in them getting married in 799 BRC.   In 797 BRC word reached Lorenzo that two of Braris' territories had successfully gained their independence from The Empire, and more importantly, had repelled the attack from Brarisi forces afterward. With this new knowledge and his friends all commanding fearsome ships of their own, Lorenzo began thinking of how he might bring the empire that gave Antonio his power and influence to its knees. Through talking with his wife and friends, Lorenzo came to realize that unless he could get another powerful nation to attack Braris, he would need the help of nearly every pirate that sailed The Farthest Expanse. And so, Lorenzo and his friends begin approaching the other pirates.   At first, the other pirates dismissed them out of hand, to them there seemed to be no benefit from going to war with the most powerful empire. Still, they persisted, eventually getting a few pirates to listen long enough to explain their whole plan including creating a blockade and the building of a pirate owned city afterward. These few pirates were then able to help them spread the word until finally, the other pirate captains were either willing to listen to the plan in full or help enact the plan. After a long period of explanation of the plan and a laying down of rules the other captains would have to abide by, Lorenzo had forty ship captains and their crews willing to follow him, and from that day forward he would be known as the Pirate King.

Pirate King

With his forty ships and over five thousand men, Lorenzo set sail for the one place he had avoided most of his life: the lands of his childhood. Together, they reigned destruction and terror down on the Brarisi ports, driving away scores of merchant's vessels and sinking scores more during the first few days alone.   While this was going on, Jenna sent word to Courson and Granton, the two kingdoms neighboring the Braris Empire letting them know that the South Sea Corsairs would do their best to avoid attacking their ships so long as they did not pose any threat and that the pirates were willing to do trade with them if they needed to sell goods to someone. She also informed them that they planned on maintaining the sieges and blockade for as long as possible and if either country wanted to attack their long-feared neighbors now would be the best time to do it.   Lorenzo also sent word to the various kingdoms and nations that traded with the Brarisi, that their ships would also be left unharmed so long as they did not engage the pirates first and that the pirates would happily buy or trade goods with them. Though many of these nations who had previously had their ships plundered by Lorenzo and the captains working under him, they took him at his word when he let many of their merchant ships pass through Brarisi Seas on their way to Courson and Granton. Aid came to the pirates in the unexpected form of the Empire's overseas territories when they overthrew the Braris installed government and refused to help their conquerors.   Over the course of two months, the pirates maintained the blockade, repelling four attacks by Brarisi ships that resulted in minimal losses for Lorenzo's forces and devastating losses for the Braris Empire. Each time, Lorenzo made sure the attacking ships were sunk or burned to ash after everything of value was stripped of them. A majority of these goods were then used to pay the pirates not originally from the Southern Sea Corsairs who only joined his cause for the promise of loot and pillaging. The remaining goods were used to trade with the few merchant's vessels who screwed up enough courage to approach the pirates. His own crew, and friends Lorenzo had no need to pay as they knew he would reward them greatly once the siege was over. He did start to worry about the nearly thirty captains who were there solely for riches as eventually the Brarisi would either have no more ships or would send no more out to face them, and Lorenzo would have no means of continually paying these captains. Not unless they engaged in a land conflict the pirates would be disadvantaged in.   Lady luck smiled upon him once more as just when the other captains began getting restless, the combined forces of the Greti and Coursian armies begin attacking Greti and Coursian armies attack the cities on the fringes of the Braris Empire. Within days, half of the Brarisi army is mobilized to fight this new threat leaving force small enough Lorenzo felt confident they could win. So, he orders the ships to enter the harbor and while half begin barraging the fortifications the Brarisi army had built the other half docks and engages the soldiers in physical combat.   The fighting in the docks is short and surprisingly tame due to many Brarisi soldiers being weakened from eating rationed food and many of them surrendering to the pirates on sight. The regular soldiers that surrender have their weapons taken from them and are placed in the brigs of the many ships where they are treated humanely under Lorenzo's threat of keelhauling any pirate who harms them. The commanders on the other hand, while given food and beds are made to reveal what fortifications have been done to the city as well as list the number of men and weapons left in the city.   With this information in hand, Lorenzo's forces move further inland towards the capital Carthago Nova at the same time the Greti and Coursian armies move southwards towards the same location. It's still unknown if what happened next was because Kiriakos Tapalla Atayde was truly afraid of the two forces closing in on him, because he thought he might be able to somehow get out of this alive, or because he was forced to do it by his advisors. But, regardless of the reasons the 23rd Emperor of Braris issues a declaration of surrender.   Lorenzo's forces continued on to the capital, unimpeded thanks to the declaration of surrender and once again Lady Luck smiled upon him as his forces reached the capital before the Greti and Coursian armies did. As such, he was given a few days to settle his men in and begin rounding up nobles before the other armies were at the city's gates. Commanders Isbeil and Calum, of the Coursian and Greti armies respectively, attempted to force the pirates to both give up the capital and the Brarisi nobles to them. In response, Lorenzo had his crew 'escort' the commanders to the tower he had taken residence in and showed the two commanders how, unbeknownst to them, their forces were completely surrounded by the pirates as the only entrance to the city from land was in a valley his pirates had made camp and set traps on either side of. With the threat of their forces being slaughtered hanging over them, the commanders relented and allowed Lorenzo to continue rounding up the nobles.   Once the nobles were all rounded up, Lorenzo forced them to watch as his men tore down the palace and a number of their homes, literally destroying the empire that had given them their unearned power right in front of them. Then, he took the young nobles aside and had his men assign each child who was physically fit the role as cabin boy or girl on one of his ships. When all of the children were gone, he ordered his men to execute the remaining nobles, starting with the Emperor himself. By the time they were done, the town center the executions had taken place was covered in a layer of liquid crimson.


With the nobility dead, Lorenzo set about claiming the capital for his fleet of pirates. Once again, the commanders attempted to intercede, saying it would be war if they returned to their rulers with news of the pirates taking over the land they coveted for themselves. Lorenzo responded by threatening to create a blockade on their ports if they tried. The commanders must have believed his threats for after they and their armies returned to their own lands, no declaration of war followed.   With the fighting done and having successfully scared the neighboring nations into staying away, for the time being, Lorenzo and his crew turned their attention to rebuilding the Brarisi capital into a new city they called Sanctuary. A few of the pirate captains who had helped Lorenzo, left his fleet at this time as they hungered for immediate rewards, rather than one that would take a few years to enjoy. The ones who stayed, however, worked tirelessly to build a city they could call home. It took a bit of convincing to get the former Nova citizens to return, as they and their loved ones had been the ones fighting and dying against Lorenzo's forces but, eventually, some were able to be persuaded to return to their farms, homes, and shops.   Over the next few decades, Lorenzo worked tirelessly to build up Sanctuary and continuing in his role as Pirate King. Though he hated thinking of himself as a ruler, under his guidance, the town that once was the Brarisi capital flourished with people from all walks of life, who may or may not have committed crimes, joining the population every day. While there were a few truly bad seeds who Lorenzo dealt with severely, most everyone else was happy to provide their knowledge and experiences to a town that did not adhere to the standard rules of society. Eventually, piracy became too much of a distraction, and he gave captaincy of The Second Lady's Fortune to his eldest daughter, Karine Rossi, while he stayed in Sanctuary and took care of his people.   Eventually, Lorenzo surrendered even his title to his daughter with her and her siblings taking over in the care for the people of Sanctuary while he and Jenna lived in Sanctuary's version of peace and quiet for the next two decades. On a bright spring day in 747 BRC, Jenna awoke to find her husband had peacefully passed in his sleep at the age of 84.

Gender Identity





Learned everything related to sailing, fighting, bartering, and piracy from the crew of the Lady's Fortune.


Slave: Years 0-9
Cabin Boy: Years 9-15
Pirate: Years 15-23
Mercenary: 23-27
Pirate Captain: Years 27-35
Pirate King: Years 35-74

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Escaped Antonio
  • Became Pirate Captain
  • Became Pirate King
  • Helped to bring down the Braris Empire

Mental Trauma

Deep mental scars caused by the years of abuse from Antonio that affect him even into his later years. His trauma manifests itself in violent nightmares that come on only when he is on shore for an extended period of time. Only passing out through extensive drinking or extreme physical exhaustion is he able to sleep deeply enough to either not have the nightmares or not remember having them. He also does not like to be around big dogs for reasons he refuses to explain to anyone.

Intellectual Characteristics

Has a good mind for visualizing images in his head but also has a high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.

Morality & Philosophy

Lorenzo's morality is quite malleable with him not seeing a problem killing or stealing or even setting things on fire. He does, however, view two things in a negative light due to his upbringing: slavery and child abuse.

Personality Characteristics


Become a great pirate and become powerful enough to destroy the Braris Empire.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves falcons
Loves his family and friends
Loves sex
Loves sailing
Loves fighting
Hates slavery
Hates child abuse
Hates nobles
Hates the Braris Empire

Virtues & Personality perks

Kind, cunning, creative, defiant, loyal, tough

Vices & Personality flaws

Drinks and sleeps around far more than he should. Has trouble controlling his temper around nobility.

Personality Quirks

No matter how hot it gets, he always wears something that covers the scars on his back.


Takes very good care of his appearance including washing his hair daily and wearing perfume and makeup.


Contacts & Relations

  • Estelle Fabian
  • Antonia Davi
  • Emery Notron
  • Verena Tarrant
  • Grant MacRae

Family Ties

Mother: Cassandra
Adoptive Father: Andre Rossi
Wife: Jenevieve Jenna Loren
Daughter: Karine Rossi
Son: Mateo Rossi
Offspring: Fiore Rossi
  • Fiore was generneutral
Daughter: Sacha Rossi
Youngest: Narcisse Rossi
  • Narcisse prefered to be addressed using male or gender neutral terms depending on the day

Religious Views

Believes Lady Luck is the only divine being who matters.

Social Aptitude

Appears extremely charming, confident, and flirtatious when first meeting someone. Once he's let his guard down around someone, he is still charming, confident and flirtatious, but not to the extreme as the front he presents, he's also incredibly insightful and cunning.


He talks with his hands and makes grand hand gestures.

Hobbies & Pets

Kept and raised falcons after purchasing a peregrine falcon named Sani from a market.


Has a slight Brarisi accent and gives everyone a nickname (Blue for someone with blue eyes, Sir-Curls-A-Lot for a knight with curly hair, etc.)

Wealth & Financial state

He starts out quite impoverished but acquires vast amounts of wealth throughout his life as a pirate.

First-hand Accounts

Survivor of an attack by The South Sea Corsairs
The attack seemed to come out of nowhere just after dawn. The quiet morning air was broken by the sound of a cannon firing followed by a splash off the ship's prow. Then we thought they had merely been inaccurate, now I know it was a warning shot intended to give us time to see The Second Lady's Fortune and contemplate surrender. We should have surrendered or turned and fled at the sight of the crossed bone and rose. Instead, we arrogantly assumed the stories about him and his ship were exaggerated and turned to engage them. Within moments we realized our error as their ship was quickly bearing down on us but, it was too late to run and soon the pirates were boarding our ship. The crew fought as valiantly as one can against The South Sea Corsairs' forces but, all were eventually killed or subdued. That was when he swaggered on board looking exactly like how the stories described him in his flashy clothing with a falcon perched on his arm.   "Come now, no need for any of you to look upon me so fearfully," he said looking over us. "I have no desire to kill any more than those who have died already all I want is your cargo and whichever members of your crew wish to join me be placed aboard my ship. Once this is done, I will let whoever remains with you live another day as I am a fair man." At this point, he bared his teeth at us in a wide smile. "If, however, anyone resists or attempts to attack us as we leave, I will make sure your ship sinks to the depths with you still on it."   His crew then proceeded to scour every inch of our ship for goods or valuables and I know I was not the only one who was thanking the Gods that we shipped goods and not people. The stories of what he does to crews he discovers are transporting slaves make many a sailor wake in a cold sweat.
  Tasha a former slave saved by The South Sea Corsairs
For four days I knew nothing except the dark cramped hold with over a hundred other people hearing nothing but waves crashing and people's cried and groans of pain and fear. Then the soul-crushing stillness was broken by the sound of a cannon being fired followed by the sound of fighting from above. As the fighting went on above me I shook like a leaf in fear as people around me started talking about a cannon tearing through the hold or the ship being sunk with us on board. My fear only grew when the sound of fighting above came to an end and the sounds of dozens upon dozens of footsteps came from above and around our compartment. Knocking soon replaced the steps and some of the more brave members in the hold called out.   "Hang on! We'll get you out of there," a woman's voice called back. "Get the captain." She continued her voice slightly fainter.   I heard a set of footsteps runoff while the woman started talking to us again, asking how many were in our compartment, how much space was in there, the health of everyone, and a dozen other questions I can't remember. The footsteps returned with friends and a male voice called out as a rapping was heard on the wall.   "Everyone near this wall, please move as far back as you can!"   The quarters were incredibly cramped but we did as he asked to the best of our ability. When we could move no more, the sound of metal upon wood could be heard and soon light was streaming in through holes created by axes. The cutting only stopped when a crude doorway was completed and standing in the light, was a man with bright green eyes and the kindest smile I have ever seen. Pirate King Lorenzo.   "Come now! Let's get you all out of there!" He said holding a hand out.   He then proceeded to help every single one of us out by taking our hands as we passed. I can remember stumbling on my way through the door and Lorenzo catching me.   "Careful now," he said to me as he helped me back onto my feet.   On the deck of the ship, I saw bodies of the people who'd taken me strewn about. Those who weren't dead were being held at sword and arrow point by two scores of men and women. Though I was surrounded by a scene of carnage, I felt no fear as the pirates escorting us out of our prison were kind and gentle as they guided us onto their ship. When all of us were safely on board, the captain and his men forced the rest of the slavers down below deck where they remained for enough minutes that I began to fear the slavers had fought back and defeated them. But, Lorenzo and his pirates did eventually emerge, without the slavers and returned to his ship. At his signal, the Second Lady's Fortune began pulling away and once we were a safe distance away, the pirates used flaming arrows to set the ship on fire.   I still dream about that sometimes. Me standing on the deck of the Second Lady's Fortune watching the ship filled with the people who had torn me away from my family burn and I wake up smiling.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Pirate King
831 747 84 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Lorenzo was actually born a few weeks late.
Khia Slums
Green eyes, the color of dark moss
Long, wavy, brown hair
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Braris Empire
Organization | Mar 24, 2023

Was once one of the most powerful empires in all of Iosis but was brought low by a pirate with a grudge

Khia Slums
Settlement | Jul 20, 2018
Antonio Savas
Character | Jul 21, 2018
Andre Rossi
Character | Jul 20, 2018
Lady's Fortune
Vehicle | Jul 21, 2018
Ingerlin Coastline
Geographic Location | Jul 22, 2018
Emery Notron
Character | Aug 6, 2018
Estelle Fabian
Character | Jul 25, 2018
Toni Davi
Character | Jul 25, 2018
Jenevieve "Jenna" Loren
Character | Jul 25, 2018
Verena Tarrant
Character | Jul 25, 2018
Grant MacRae
Character | Jul 25, 2018
The Second Lady's Fortune
Vehicle | Aug 18, 2018
The South Sea Corsairs
Organization | Jul 1, 2019
The Farthest Expanse
Geographic Location | Mar 23, 2019
Pirate King Lorenzo Rossi's Siege of Braris
Myth | Jul 24, 2018
Kiriakos Tapalla Atayde
Character | Jul 25, 2018
Organization | Jul 1, 2019
Organization | Jul 25, 2018
Settlement | Jul 20, 2019

Pirate haven founded on the ruins of the Braris Empire

Karine Rossi
Character | Jul 25, 2018
Mateo Rossi
Character | Jul 25, 2018
Fiore Rossi
Character | Jul 22, 2019

Daughter of Lorenzo Rossi and respected historian.

Sacha Rossi
Character | Jul 25, 2018
Narcisse Rossi
Character | Jul 25, 2018


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Jul 26, 2018 00:43 by Ashleigh D.J. Cutler

I have to say this is a very detailed article. More so than most of mine when it comes to characters. Thus that's impressive. The story you wove here was presented well, and despite the article's length, I was entertained to the very end. Well done.

Jul 26, 2018 01:28

Phew, that was a long one. I admire the time and effort you put into writing up such a detailed history of the character. There are a few typos, for example, you've used the name Lorenzo once before he actually changed his name in the first paragraph of the escape section or some sentences have word repetitions. But overall, great article.

Jul 26, 2018 03:22 by Keontez George

Very detailed, you could probably take out the accomplishments since its already gone over in the story. This could probably be shortened a bit. There were some parts I felt you were too detailed in, but overall I was entertained.

Jul 26, 2018 11:39

Could you be more specific about the parts that were too detailed? One of my biggest problems is that I can't see what I need to pare back.