Ylros Character in Ioral | World Anvil
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Ylros (il-ross)

The Tormented

Divine Domains


Good, Healing, Liberation, War


Redemption, Restoration, Self-Realization, Blood

Divine Symbols & Sigils

For the longest time, the symbol of Ylros has been a single crimson tear on a field of white, though since the merging of her faith with that of Telsin, a new symbol has been born. A crimson sun with a single crimson tear beneath it on a field of gold has become her new symbol, representing both gods and their union.

Tenets of Faith

Ylros, Mother of lifeblood and warden of the weak, seeks to protect all of her children from the horrors of the universe, more so than to increase her worship. To this end, Ylros preaches that all should be protected and, while death is inevitable, dealing death to other sapiens is a horrible crime.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When the Primal Gods came together to form the planes, Ylros was actually one of the last to agree, mostly about her own misgivings towards worship from mortals. As the Primal Gods shifted and came together to form the elemental and material planes, Ylros worked with Yemar to create life, as the latter was exhausted from creating the physical world alongside the Stormfather. Quickly, Ylros found that she cared deeply for each creation she made with Yemar and, soon, had a world teeming with life she cared for. It was this deep care for all life that scared Ylros so deeply when those she cherished began millennia of torture.
Mortals have always gotten Ylros confused due to her title previously being 'The Blood God', thinking she was some kind of sadistic killer that loved sacrifices rather the the god of 'Lifeblood'. It was due to this misconception that, when the Kalkur were ravaging Ahuduir, they began to sacrifice people to the Blood God, causing Ylros great amounts of pain and suffering. Without a Chosen amongst the Kalkur to hear her words and cease the sacrifices, Ylros had to endure unimaginable torture for millennia, culminating in the creation of one of the first Lesser Gods, Kurvidar, the Crimson Lord. Unlike his mother, Kurvidar relished in the pain and suffering of others, becoming the god the Kalkur wanted to dearly. It is due to this unwanted spawn that Ylros maintained the air of distrust around her for so long, as many would look to her and only see Kurvidar.
Recently, however, the Church of Ylros has made great gains in undoing this millennia-long misunderstanding, through cooperation programs with other faiths, by convincing Kurvidar to take Kimaris's place and work with the Church of Ylros rather than against it. They also worked closely with the Faith of Telsin after the Crusade of Bronze & Bone which culminated in the religions uniting under a single organization. It seems that, in the Divine Realms, Ylros has become quite important to Telsin, with the two living together far removed from the rest.
Divine Classification
Primal God
Blood Red
Short, stark white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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