Wild Arms Building / Landmark in Incandescence | World Anvil
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Wild Arms

Wild Arms is a garage run by Agnes Tiglao that was originally built for servicing vehicles, but has been modified to support weaponry and Elemental Technology due to the growing need of expeditions to the Somber Lands.   While popular, the shop has never been much to look at, comprised of worn steel and concrete that demonstrates just how long the garage has been in business.   The main garage area is rather large, containing enough space for four trucks at a time in beds. Behind the main garage is the workshop area for assembling or disassembling vehicles and parts. Attached to these two rooms is the storefront, which appears to many as a messy sprawl of scrap iron, blinking machinery, and moving parts all surrounding a counter top. There are often weapons or pieces of cars and motorcycles hanging from hooks on the ceiling or stacked atop one another with abandon in places that are inconvenient to business. If anyone has mentioned this to the proprieter, she has either chosen not to notice or chased them out of the shop altogether.   In the years since the decision to service weaponry and Elemental Technology, Wild Arms has become very popular for mercenaries for Tiglao's impeccably crafted work on Engine Blades and long-ranged rifles.
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