Elevator 4B Building / Landmark in Incandescence | World Anvil
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Elevator 4B

The reinforcement of Elevator 4B is one of the longest-standing instances of Erziehen's positive influence on the people living below the city's surface. It was due to the increased protection around the elevator that Blight's Rest was able to prosper, and the increased buffer between the surface and the Somber Lands allowed many more of the Station Towns to sprout up.   The elevator, being the closest to the Somber Lands, is the primary elevator utilized for the transport of materials from the Somber Lands, along with Elevator 1A. As such, the elevator and the surrounding town receive a great deal of traffic and are well-protected.   Elevator 4B is regularly staffed by several members of the Erziehen military, many of whom have developed friendly and mutually beneficial relationships with the townsfolk. The officer in charge, Captain Adam Jefferson, is regarded as a kind, well-meaning man, who does his best to push through the bureaucracy separating the surface from the city and bring about positive change for the town.
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