Engine Blade Item in Incandescence | World Anvil
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Engine Blade

Engine Blades are a staple of the technological advancement of the military in Albietha. Created originally by Logenia Risk Management as a way to maintain the viability of close-ranged weapons in the face of the growing prevalence of firearms, the Engine Blades were dangerous, experimental, volatile, but effective.   In the advent of the Malignancy, and the secession of the governments from corporate rule, conventional melee weaponry found new necessity, and so the creation of Engine Blades fell by the wayside. Some more clandestine governmental and corporate sects still craft them, and they can still be found on occasion out in the Somber Lands, because a well-kept Engine Blade in the right hands can grant a terrifying advantage over conventional weaponry.   Engine Blades are comprised of a bladed weapon, typically a sword, that has a rotor inside of the handle, and a gear in the hilt. Inside of the gear in the hilt is a chamber for Bottled Element. Twisting the grip of the sword releases Elemental Energy into the blade, powering the weapon. Engine Blades quickly became infamous for the ominous glow that would spread across the steel of the weapon when charged.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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