Hey there! Welcome to my yammerings about how to write stuff. Thanks for checking me out here! To see some of my advice in action, you can read some of the public stories I have here, subscribe to my Patreon to get access to the private stories, or you can even buy my real published books and read those!

Writing Advice

Just some of my opinions and instructions on writing! I used to be a big pantser and never plan anything I wrote, but then it turned into a whole lot of unfinished half-manuscripts that I couldn't ever figure out how to finish. The Seven-Point-Plot method works really well for me because it gives me structure but isn't too rigid, so I still get to discovery write when I want to.


Stories Published on WA

The world of the Imperia is huge and complex, and a lot of that lore can't fit into the novels themselves. I've written some short stories to explore the other players within the Imperia, or expanding on the experiences of novel characters that happened outside of the events of the actual novels.

Short Stories

Saint Maiden's Day on Aprica Nova

Precious and Deadly Cargo

My Patreon

I have just two Patreon tiers, so it's super simple to make a decision about subscribing! Hopefully.

Writerly Type

In addition to Patron-only posts and content, you'll get access to downloadable PDFs that will help you with bunches of writing stuff, and also access to my Discord server!

Word Enthusiast

You get the Writerly Type stuff, plus access to biweekly chapters in my WIP, and sneak peeks at upcoming book cover art, early access to release dates and public appearances, and more! This tier is currently limited to 5 Patrons.

My Website

Here's my author website! I have all kinds of stuff on here, like links to my books natch, but also helpful writing articles, a character development series, and a bunch of videos about how to use Scrivener. Poke around; I hope you find something helpful!

Real Published Books

I write Middle Grade historical fantasy novels published with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and HarperCollins! My two released novels (ANYA AND THE DRAGON and ANYA AND THE NIGHTINGALE) have both been awarded the Sydney Taylor Book Award silver medal, and ANYA AND THE NIGHTINGALE was a National Jewish Book Award finalist. The third book, BLACK BIRD, BLUE ROAD, released in September 2022 and has gotten starred reviews from Kirkus, Publishers Weekly, the Horn Book, and the Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books! It was also a Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2022, and one of the Evanston Public Library's 101 Great Books for Kids!