Imperias City Class System in House of Prism | World Anvil
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Imperias City Class System

Those of you that know me are aware I possess certain extraordinary gifts—talents which provide entrance to the minds of others. Rather than give my personal opinions, I prefer to use the biased opinions of common folks who share my views. Basically, I get to express my views by using someone else's mind. Yeah, I know, it's not very ethical, but stops me from having to justify myself with those annoying snobs who hound my every move, hoping to complain about some such article of mine. 


So, with that in mind, below is a snapshot of the thoughts of those who live in Imperias City and how they define the class divide. This is not an official Queen preaching. 


Imperias City and its surrounding lands can be classified into five distinct categories:


1.) The outsiders: A large populace of individuals that live outside the city walls - the poorest of whom live in canopy huts no bigger than a bathroom; others reside in cramped wooden cabins. In the main, this class is poorly educated with basic skills and employed for menial paid tasks.
They love the The Queen but are too ignorant to know any better.


2.) The Bronze class: Also known as commoners, they make up most of the inhabitants that live within the secure walls of Imperias City. They work in the lower salary industry tiers of production, factory, services and retail commerce like shops and barges. Formed of large families that live in compact wooden abodes in the densely populated bronze quarters of the city.
None have access to Soul Powers, making them a plentiful supply of cheap, low-paid workers that won't (or, more accurately, can't) challenge the status Quo.


3.) The Silver class: Known as the regulars makes up about a quarter of Imperias city's population. Comprised of reasonably wealthy individuals living in the Silver strip in their 1 to 2-floor Wizard Glass constructed homes.
Common professions include working in the vaults, political admin offices, retail managers, the less affluent barge owners and training services, etc. A rare few possess Aurae abilities. The regulars are often vocal in their disapproval of city running, but most accept - without access to a Sorce - it is better to get a Gold to speak for you.


4.) The Gold class: Also known as the ten percentors are the super wealthy of Imperias. They live in huge glass homes formed of multi-cored wizard glass located in the Gold Waves. They work in prestigious positions like the mercenary, merchant and Wizard guilds or are well-known owners of the most reputable barges on Ronus Canal.
Many Gold has access to Aurae powers, with the more influential harnessing a Soul Power and, therefore, earning the right to sway political opinion.


5.) The Purista: The wealthiest of all Imperials that live in privately cordoned Purista-only zones. This class is composed of the most influential beings in Imperial society, each having access to the most potent Aurae or Sorce powers in existence and working for one of the Three Powers.

Written by Ricardo Butler

Related Reading: 

Purista District
Imperias Class System
The Ganay Tree

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Cover image: by Cleris Dumont


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